I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)

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The castle hung from the mountain like a string about to fall away from fabric. It was beautiful from afar, and even as Hans and his militants approached, they were awestruck by its grandeur. It had an enchanting glow about it: a pulsating heart of purple and blue. The stairs that led up to it were as fragile as the grand palace itself, though not more frightening. This was funny, considering that the stairs teetered above an endless drop, and the castle posed no immediate threat.

Suddenly, the tranquil scene was tranquil no longer. The whole mountain began to shake, knocking the soldiers from their feet, and even impacting Hans' steely, calm demeanor. It was as if some angry God has risen from a long sleep, and had yawned, stretching his mass shoulders as he did so.

The snow began to take form, in the image of some ghastly beast. Its body kept increasing, its arms amassing what looked like rippling muscle as it continued to bend and change. No snow fell into its ice sockets - they were shaped solely by ice. Its teeth were stalactites at the top of a frozen cave.

Hans gestured for his comrades to distract the creature, and they followed suit. He leapt up the stairs, and burst his way into the castle's grand entrance. Shrill screams resonated in his ears, even after the doors slammed shut.

Hans was taken by the deafening silence of the room, and the beauty of the queen that stood atop the second flight of stairs. Her hair was white as winter's flesh. She was as elegant as a swan as she descended the steps, silent and effortless. Her blue dress flowed behind her gracefully.

"How dare you?" She whispered, almost to herself.

"How dare I?" Hans stepped forward, as he often did with Anna. But unlike her sister, Elsa did not waver. Instead, she lifted her chin slightly, so she was looking down her nose upon him.

She began to pace, with her hands clasped firmly behind her back.

"You're the one my sister wanted to marry, after only one day. Tell me, Prince Hans, what about you is so charming?"

She stopped in front of him again, never abandoning her aura of dominance. 

"I'll show you, your Majesty."

Hans grabbed her close, though not in the way she expected. He brought her left hand to his right and began to waltz with her. The two circled around the room like duelists, examining each other. Each royal sized the other up in the most discreet way: with glances, grins, and flickers of the eyebrows.

"I think I like you, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."

 "And I you, Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

They stopped, but how their lips did not. He gripped her face in his gloved hands, kissing gently. She obliged, though she had promised herself she would not fall for the vixen's charm.

Two of Hans' remaining soldiers burst through the frost-bitten gates. They were battered, bloody, and nearly defeated. They stood in awe at the sight before them - a frozen goddess entrapped in the arms of a warm-blooded prince.

I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)Where stories live. Discover now