Frozen Heart - Part 2

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Elsa woke up in a dark room. She blinked several times, and began to sit up, but the pitch black did not abade. There were a few cobwebbed barrels, with their tops unscrewed. There was a single bed, the one Elsa was lying on, and a door that was both barred and barricaded. Elsa stood up abruptly. Her hands came to life with a magical, twinkling glow. The whole room assumed a blueish hue, and the reality of the situation hit Elsa like the flat of a sword.

“Let me out!” She slammed closed fists against the bars, and her breathing began to quicken. How would she know the time of day? How would she eat? And most importantly, where was Hans? She’d seen him fall backwards, onto the ice, before her own vision had faded to nothing.

“They’ve captured me.” It was the only explanation. She was locked in a dingy cell beneath the deck, where a bunch of drunken oafs were probably stumbling about. Hans was probably up there too, tied to a pole, or something of that nature.

Elsa’s stomach turned. There was something off about the sudden change in setting. Oh, oh. As her eyes drifted back and forth between the walls and door, she noticed something. They were moving, in a steady up-and-down motion. The ship was sailing smoothly, which meant that somehow her entrapment had freed the ocean of ice.

The wooden boards began to move as well. Elsa stepped back, and pressed herself against the wall. Her hands were still pulsing with power, her heart racing. The man was, as she expected, quite massive. He wore the clothes of a bandit, or pirate, and a partially-torn eyepatch was strung across his face.

“Looking for your boyfriend, I’d bet.” The voice was deep and grumbly.

“He needs me, now. I injured him, and I’m the only one who can undo--”

“You won’t be meeting him today, or the day after,” A crooked smile flashed between the remaining boards. “In fact, odds are, your boyfriend’ll be tossed overboard before tomorrow morn.” 

Elsa breathed deeply, battling to keep her cool. With the boards removed, and an enemy in sight, it was likely that her powers could take care of business, but she didn’t want to endanger Hans. She stepped forward with the most convincing smile she could manage, and began to giggle softly. “We’re royalty, you know. He’s a naval officer in the Southern Isles. I’m a queen. It’d be best to deliver us back home--”

“We have other plans for you, princess." He spat out the title, as if the word itself was venomous. "We saw what you did back there. You could be,” He was taken by a fit of throaty coughs, and took a moment to resume his demeanor. “You could be useful.”

Before Elsa could dispute his claims, the boards had been replaced. She was alone again, in the dark, and she knew her window of opportunity was closing. She had to think of something, and fast.

Elsa pressed her ear against the door, and waited for the footsteps to fade. Then, she took another deep breath, and pressed both palms against the bars. As expected, spidery tendrils of ice began to curl around the metal rods, trapping them in a chill that would send even the most experienced northerner to the infirmary.

Within a few minutes, several of the bars broke away. Elsa began to push and pull on the wooden boards, which were still loose from the pirate's visit. She freed them in a matter of seconds, and basked momentarily in the wave of warmth that washed over her.

"I'm coming for you, Hans. You won't have to wait much longer."

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