Journey to the Southern Isles

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It was the zenith of morning. The sun hovered over the mountains, illuminating everything in a heavenly brilliance. In the little room that was lost in a sea of white mountains, Elsa and Hans slept out on the floor. They were covered in heavy blankets, and the space around them was littered with gossamer pillows.

"Something's been on my mind, Elsa." Hans asserted, though he kept his voice soft. He wasn't sure if she was awake or not, but he would say what he was thinking regardless. "We should go to the Southern Isles. It has beautiful mountains, like the ones here, in Arendelle." He paused. Elsa stirred beside him.

"You know we can't do that, Hans, even if it has the most beautiful mountains in the world." She rolled over to face him, her blue eyes twinkling as they searched his. 

The two royals lay in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Hans dreamed of home: its bluish peaks, clustered villas, and marvelous clouds. Elsa thought of the Southern Isles too, but her thoughts were mostly focused on her sister. She had come, in the midst of a blizzard, to see her. What had she wanted?

As if on cue, a loud banging echoed throughout the palace, hanging there as if the sound itself was awaiting a response. Hans sighed, stretching a bit, but it was Elsa who first arose to her feet. She clutched one of the lighter blankets to her body, and searched for something to wear.

"I'll get it, Hans. If it's Anna, I want to know what's on her mind."

After another few seconds of searching, she came upon a loose white gown. She slipped into it, feet first, and flew down the flight of stairs.

Sure enough, when she flung the door open, her sister was standing there. 

"Elsa." A look of concern haunted Anna's usually-jovial expression. She fiddled with her gloved fingers, and eventually dropped her gaze. "I won't stay long, but I have to tell you something." She moved backward slightly, as if her sister was carrying some infectious disease.

"Arendelle's in deep, deep snow."

"What?" Elsa placed one hand on the door, and gestured for Anna to leave. Her sister complied, though the look of pity on her face was impossible to miss.

"Elsa?" Hans came up behind her as she closed the door. She leaned against it as if it were a lifeline. Her body began to wrack with sobs. Suddenly, she turned, and latched onto Hans' tall frame.

"Hans, I'll go. I'll go to the Southern Isles."

                                                         ❅ ❄ ❆

The light was still dim when Hans brought Elsa to Arendelle's busiest port. The queen was hidden beneath a billowing hood and cloak, which made her as anonymous as the passing peasants. Massive galleons bobbed in the ocean, knocking softly against the port. Most of the ships were mere silhouettes on the coast, their presence made known by golden lanterns beneath each porthole.

"We have to get going, before the ocean freezes over. My ship is over there." He pointed into the thick mist that loomed over the ocean's surface. "We'll take this rowboat, here. Stay quiet. It's important that your departure goes unnoticed."

He gripped Elsa's shivering hand and helped her into the unsteady vessel. She remained silent, though nervousness was made plain across her face. Hans hopped in after her, and grabbed two wooden oars from the boat's compartment.

"Hans?" Elsa shifted where she sat. Her face was shadowed by her hood, but her voice told Hans enough. "Do you think we'll actually make it there, to the Southern Isles?"

Hans pushed off from the dock, and began rowing. His paddles cut through each wave with uncanny precision. "We might be pursued, but I think we have a good chance." He shot her a reassuring smile.

Elsa leaned back, and watched the prince with bashful adoration. "A chance is all we need."

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