The First Attack

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Dark clouds rolled over the mountains that morning, tinting Arendelle in shades of gray. Elsa watched her three children, two girls and a boy, as they frolicked about the seaside hill. She offered occasional admonishment when they fought, and laughed lightly when they joked. 

The youngest ran over, and both Hans and Elsa were there to greet her.

"You look just like your mother, Eira." He placed one hand on her cheek, and inspected her face for scratches. Her light blue eyes followed his, and a big grin appeared on her face when he pushed her back toward the others. 

"Hans?" He looked over, and found a worried look upon Elsa's face. She was always the first to worry, the first to see the contrary in any situation. 

"What's wrong, my love? If you're worried about the children--"

"Hans, look." She pointed toward the distant port, which was usually empty in the heart of autumn. He obliged. In the ocean, just beyond the port, there was a ghastly silhouette. It was nestled in the fog, and could easily be mistaken for an apparition. But Hans had enough experience with ships to recognize one.

"Elsa, take the children. Seek refuge in the castle. I'll be right behind you."

"Hans," She had already gathered their brood, but her stance was unwavering. "You know I'd be a better fighter, if it came down to that. The children are scared. They'd be safer with you."

"Go." Elsa's eyes shifted from left and right, words lingering on her tongue. "Elsa, go. I won't change my mind on this one."

With great hesitation, she made her way toward the castle. Hans drew his sword, and headed toward the port with a steely expression. Years had elapsed since Arendelle's last invasion, and the thought of another sent blood rushing to Hans' head.

The ship bobbed in place, silent as a specter. Hans neared the dock, but did not cross it. "Show yourself!" He shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears. Or so he thought.

Three men appeared on deck, identic to the last assailants. This time, however, they wore elaborate masks, masks that resembled dragons and other mythical beasts. One of them stepped forward, though since Hans couldn't see his feet, he appeared to be floating. "King Hans of Arendelle," His voice dripped with sarcasm. "We'll give you two choices. Choice one: You hand over Queen Elsa, and everyone goes home happy. Choice two: You fight all three of us, one at a time. We win, and we tear Queen Elsa from her beloved children."

"I think you already know the answer." 

One of the men dropped from atop the ship, and landed a few yards in front of Hans. He drew two curved swords, and held one in each hand. "Last chance to change your mind, Hans." The two men circled like lions over a fresh kill, and finally the assassin lurched forth.

Hans stepped to the side, and allowed gravity to carry the man forward. He waited for his enemy to face him before the circling resumed.

"You fight with honor, Hans? I thought more of you." He lashed out again, this time catching a part of Hans' forearm and sleeve. Blood seeped from the wound, but Hans remained calm. He was waiting for the perfect moment, the...

A second man had slipped from the ship in the heat of battle. He appeared behind Hans, and slashed him without a moment's notice. Hans stumbled backward, so that he could see both of them. There was no way he could take on two men, and four swords.

The third came forth from the shadows. "This is your last chance to accept the first offer, Hans. Imagine," He crafted a world with his hands. "The only thing your children will have to remember you by will be your head."

Suddenly, one of the men crumpled into a ball. The other two, spooked, moved away from their fallen comrade and waved their swords about.

"How dare you threaten our family like that." Elsa was practically glowing. Her eyes were on fire, and her voice was distant. An icy arrow pierced the second man's heart, leaving him no time to be shocked or horrified. The third clambered back to the ship, and began to tow the anchor from the sand.

Elsa raised her palm.

"No, Elsa! Let him return to his land alone. We need to send a message, and we'll do that with him."

Elsa and Hans watched, side by side, as the ship dwindled into nothing.

Little did they know, this would be the first of three attacks. 

I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)Where stories live. Discover now