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A black, stone tower rose from the dark green canopy beneath it. It was storming outside, as it had all week, and every once and a while Elsa approached the window to watch the rain tumble down into the forest. She traced the edge of the windowsill with her fingers, and whispered words of comfort to herself. This was how it was meant to be. She should have never allowed herself to get so close to Hans, and to produce children she couldn't truly care for. She should have never allowed herself to abandon the snowy mountains, and to seek a brighter life outside its gates.

Elsa descended the spiraling stairs. She was a black swan in a pond of white ones, the sole runt in a litter of healthy dogs. Suddenly, just as she leaned over the table to light a tall candle, a knocking sounded throughout the halls. She froze, her hand hovering over the wicker. Her feathery gown glided behind her as she neared the door. She peered through the cracks.

She opened it. Hans stood there, drenched from head to toe. He stormed inside, and slammed the door behind him. For a moment, all was silent. Elsa lingered there, eyes wide. Hans' face was steely, his jade eyes now impossible to read. She backed up, and fiddled anxiously with her loose, flower-lined braid.

"Why did you return? How did you find me?" She hadn't realized before, but her stomach was twisted in a knot. 

"You know why I returned." Hans freed his glove, and tossed it to the side. He reached forward, and touched her supple cheek. "I returned because of that first night when we danced, and when we embraced in that galleon." His smile was reminiscent. "I returned because I love you, Elsa, and there's not a man in the world who could change that."

Her heart melted. His words brought tears to her eyes. She shook her head: once, then again. "How can you love someone like me, Hans, someone whose very touch can steal the warmth of life?" 

"I'm asking you to come back with me, Elsa." He gestured towards the door. "I know you can control your powers. Don't you remember, that love conquers all?" His words were getting faster, his tone more desperate."  

"I can't." She brushed past him, and marched into the downpour. A voice rang out from the room behind her, louder than the rain.

"Oh, Elsa. I wish you would've come on your own." Sure enough, a half circle of guards formed in front of her. They pointed their glimmering swords in her direction, and raised their diamond shields. She turned, chills running down her spine. This had never been a choice, no matter the eloquence in his words. He knew she wouldn't kill the guards, not after she had injured so many in Arendelle.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle," One of the guards waved a weapon before her. "It would be in your best interest to kneel."

Slowly, she obliged. Hairs stood up on the back of her neck as Hans approached. He ran his hands down her shoulders, taking with them the straps of her gown. In less than a minute, the lace ties on the back of her dress had been undone. She crossed her arms over her chest, and stared intently at the ground. Thin rivulets of water trickled down her neck, and pooled in the slopes of her collar bones.

"Hans, don't do this. You know I can't control it, when I'm afraid." 

Hans undid her braid, and watched it fall gently against her back. He brushed it with his fingers, and inhaled her pine needle scent.


Shaking, she stood. The gown fell to her feet, and Arendelle's guards chuckled nervously at the sight of their vulnerable queen.

"You must be proud of yourself, Hans. Tell me, how long did it take you to contrive this plan, to force me to return?"

"Quite some time," He admitted. "But the logic is quite simple. The death of your child drove you from the city, and the birth of another will bring you back."

I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)Where stories live. Discover now