Don't Let Her In

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Hans pulled Elsa close, so close that her lips were only inches away when he lifted her chin. She pressed forward first, surprised at her own reaction to the warmth of his intimacy, and to the allure of his touch. Butterflies filled her stomach and swarmed throughout her being as Hans lifted her, placing her on the edge of the bed as if she were an antique of great value.

Her cerulean eyes opened briefly, searching his. He gave a silent inquiry, and she responded, a muted reply.                                                                               

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Outside Elsa's palace, daylight was stolen, sucked from where it shone upon snow-coated hillsides and ice-bitten windows. The room where Hans and Elsa lay, side by side, was the only source of light within a hundred miles of Arendelle. It felt as if the two of them were in a sinking ship, a ship that was descending farther and farther into an undiscovered abyss.

Hans rolled over and watched Elsa as she slept. Her chest was bare, though one of her arms was angled across it. Her body rose and fell with every breath. Hans could see a thin cloud of air escape her mouth with every sigh. He couldn't help but to wonder what it was like. To harness such astounding powers was no task for the faint of heart.

"Elsa, are you awake?"

His question fell on deaf ears. Elsa was most likely dreaming, about some faraway place where she would be revered, not forsaken. It would have steeples of ice that pierced the clouds, and glacial expanses that vanished into the horizon. And maybe, just maybe, it would have him.

Just as Hans began to drift into a sleepy daze, he heard a suddden knocking from downstairs, faint but distinguishable. "It's nearly freezing outside," Hans mumbled as he slid out of bed, fetching his pants from the floor. He ducked down to find his shirt, perhaps under the bed, but there was no sign of it.

Again, the knocking resonated throughout the palace. Hans rushed to the doorway, sliding a bit. It was too dark to see much, but he could already make out a nondescript shape outside the palace door. Wary, he felt his way down the stairs, using the left wall as his guide.

The shadow moved from the door, slowly, as if someone was trying to peer through the ice. Fortunantely, the walls were too thick for that. Hans shuffled across the main hall and toward the entry, his heart beating fast in his chest. It hadn't occurred to him that the temperature was far below zero until he rested his hand against the frost.

With a deep, princely sigh, and a few words of self-encouragement, Hans opened the door.

Standing there, with a concerned look on her face and a cloak wrapped around her dress, was Princess Anna of Arendelle herself. 

"Hans!" She looked surprised to see him, and invited herself inside. Hans shut the door behind her, halting the deafening howl of the wind. He turned to see Anna standing only a few feet away from him, with an all-too-eager smile on her face.

"Oh, Hans. How I missed you," She paused on that thought with a romantic huff. "But I just have to see my sister." 

Anna made for the stairs, but Hans blocked her in an instant. In the bedroom, on the second level, Elsa was disrobed and vulnerable. The frosted queen had trusted him, even when his fellow soldiers had made attempts on her life. If Anna breached the staircase, neither she nor Elsa would be able to forgive him.

I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)Where stories live. Discover now