New Beginnings

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The sun was brighter than usual, the temperature near sweltering. Elsa woke up with Hans' arm draped over her, and a white sheet covering her lower body. But something was wrong, unusual. She was sweating, and she hadn't exercised in weeks. She slipped out of Hans' grasp, and found her footing beside the bed. The world whirled back and forth, and a nauseous feeling overcame her.

She raced to the bathroom, and keeled over at once. Her stomach fluttered and convulsed, but the urge to vomit went unfulfilled.

"Elsa, are you feeling alright?" The seamstress crept into the room with caution, eyeing the sickly queen from afar. She held up Elsa's hair as she gagged, and patted her on the back amidst wracks of tears. Eventually, she gave up, and wandered off to find the queen a fitting gown.

"What's happening to me?" Elsa stared into the mirror, and found no changes in her appearance. Had she contracted some virulent plague at the party? She hadn't had much to drink the night before, so unless someone had slipped a dash of hemlock into her glass...

"There there, deary. I've served as the head tailor to many royals: princesses and queens alike. And every one of them seems to think they're exempt from nature's course. You're pregnant, my lady, and may the Gods bless you with a boy."

"What?" Immediately, Elsa's hand dropped to her stomach. Hot tears filled her eyes. She stood, and remained speechless as the tailor dressed her in a soft maternity gown. As soon as the last string on the back of her dress was pulled tight, she fled. She was running from something she could not escape, something rooted deep inside her stomach.

Elsa burst through a door, and came onto an empty roof. The sun had just barely breached the horizon. Its whiteish rays would soon be visible to all those who settled the land. She plopped down onto its tiled surface, with her legs dangling over the courtyard below. Her hair, which had been braided the night before, was carried softly by the ocean's gusts.

"Elsa?" Hans stood in the door frame, holding a blanket. He walked over and draped it across her shoulders. "Don't fret, my love. The snow will return if you keep fretting over such little things."

"Little things?" Tears stung Elsa's eyes. "We'd only just begun our adventures, Hans. We fought off pirates and intruders. We lived in the mountains, for a while. I'm not ready for the end."

Hans scooted over, and cradled her hands. "This isn't the end, Elsa, not by a long shot. We can still journey through the mountains, and sail the open seas. We'll just have--" He paused, his tender eyes searching her face. "Company."

She looked back at him, and tried to smile. He placed one hand behind her head, and leaned in close. The cold was threatening to return to her lips, but for now it was repressed.

"So, what should we name it?" He whispered while wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. She grinned again, a genuine one this time.

"We could name it after Anna, or after one of your brothers back home."

"Home?" Hans' smile faded. Something about his brothers brought back a slew of vile memories. "This is my home now, Elsa. Wherever you go, I'll be there to follow. Now come on." He swept her from her feet, blanket and all. She giggled as he strutted through the halls, touting her to all those who would listen. For a moment, just one moment, having a child in her belly didn't seem so bad.

I've Come to Kill You (Elsa x Hans)Where stories live. Discover now