Journey to the Southern Isles - Part 2

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Elsa leaned against the side of the ship, wind whipping through her hair. Mist rose from the ocean and washed over her face, more refreshing than a nuisance. She watched as the ship's massive white sails ripplied in the wind, like a person heaving in and out at a doctor's command. She would never forget this journey, no matter the result.

"Enjoying yourself?" Hans strutted over, armed with a suave look and an impeccable gold-buttoned uniform. As a naval officer, it was clear that he was in his element. Elsa took his arm, and together they walked across the deck.

"This is the farthest I've ever strayed from Arendelle, Hans. I don't regret a thing, but I wish I would've told my sister. She must be worried sick."

Hans stopped, his courtly smile never fading. He traced the bridge of Elsa's nose, and tucked a tuft of whitish hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, Elsa." His statement was so vapid, so ambiguous, but somehow it worked wonders on Elsa's nerves. She sighed, and allowed his contagious smile to appear upon her face.

"Come, Elsa. We'll explore the ship. I'll show you the hold, where we store the cargo. It shouldn't be too full, since we traded most of our goods in Arendelle."

She gave him a half-hearted nod, her mind drifting back and forth between him and Anna. Hans was trying so hard to make her happy, and to appeal to her needs. It would be selfish to bring up her sister again.

They wandered below deck. It took a second for Elsa's eyes to adjust to the enveloping darkness. There were a few small torches mounted on the walls, here and there, but overall the place was bathed in a warm, sepia tone. 

"Here it is." Hans glanced at Elsa, and noticed the mediocrity that preyed upon her face. Her eyes were void of the youthful light he'd seen back in Arendelle, and her mouth was a thin, barely-distinguishable line. She looked up, and noticed him watching.

"I'm sorry, Hans." She rubbed his sleeve reassuringly. "I had to leave Arendelle. My presence was endangering the kingdom," She closed her eyes, hard, and reopened them. "But how do we know that the same thing won't happen in the Southern Isles?"

"Elsa," Hans pulled her into a comforting embrace. He rubbed his hands against her back, before intertwining his fingers in hers. He kissed her forehead, lingering, and then withdrew to speak. "Yesterday, you were willing to bet everything on chance. What happened to that?"

"You're right, of course." Part of Elsa wanted Hans to leave her be. She wanted to bask in her misery, alone, like she often did as a child. Anna had knocked so many times, and she was forced to ignore, to say no, until the knocking stopped.

Hans opened the door of the hold, and guided her inside. The ceiling was low, and there were more crates and boxes than Hans had expected, but the two of them were still able to sit, side by side, against the back wall.

"It's almost like we're stowaways, don't you think?" Hans grinned and awaited Elsa's response.

"It's like we're eloping." 

Hans leaned over, and lifted Elsa's chin with his hand. He kissed her, revelling at the coolness of her skin, which still came as a surprise to him. It felt as if they hadn't kissed in months, or even years, and there was a renewed passion between them. Hans pressed Elsa to the floorboards, and once again her hands were linked behind his neck.

"Remember when I asked you what about you was so charming?" Elsa asked. Hans didn't respond. He was kissing the side of her neck, and the slope of her shoulder.

"Well I understand now. I definitely understand."

All of a sudden, there was a deep, bellowing sound. It was like an earthquake was rumbling in the middle of the ocean. Hans was thrown to the side, and Elsa was almost crushed by the flood of crates that crashed down on her left. They were dead silent, shocked, for several moments.

"We're not alone out here after all."

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