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Many are afraid of silence,
Blasting out the radio,
Or music in the patio,
But just sit there.
Don't turn anything on or go on your phone.
Just listen.

And soon you discover that silence has the most beautiful melodies
For those who know how to listen.


Hallou dear reader!
I think this will be it for today, I know this one's short, but more will come tomorrow quite early, if I have a say in this.  Probably before four, I think. If not, 4:30, so stay tuned for more!
I hope that whoever you are have a wonderful day (or night) and I'll see you tomorrow.
If you want to keep track and get immediately notified of my updates, I would deeply appreciate it if you were to follow me. And if I can, I would love to read your stories!
Any questions, ideas of suggestions, please comment down below, it would be much appreciated :).
With love and care,

✏N.P. Reyes✏

Posted on 3/14/17.


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