Chapter 1

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'Come on, we're going to be late!', Jacki ushered her parents on with her best friend, Tailor.

'You don't have to be there for another...' her mom checked her whatch before continuing. '...ten minutes. We'll be fine.'

'But we still need to find the guy', Jacki pleaded and her mom and step dad sighed.

'Fine, go get into the car. We're coming', Jacki's mom said and the girls obliged.

'You look like you're dressed for a date', Tailor commented, looking over at Jacki's long jeans, neat black shirt and her hair that was perfectly combed a few minutes ago. And to top it all off, her perfume made her smell like a flower.

'No, I always dress this way if I go out in public and I want to give a good first impression. I am meeting the guy for the first time after all', Jacki laughed and climbed into the back seat with Tailor following on the other side.

'Yeah, but you guys have been talking over the phone for a few weeks now and he talks to you more than he talks to anyone else; even me! And I've been friends with him longer than you have', Tailor defended and Jacki knew that her best friend was telling the truth.

'But still, meeting in real life isn't the same as talking over the phone. And he's my first guy friend so I don't want to mess this up. Not when he's your friend too', Jacki said but quieted Tailor down when her parents climbed in the car to drive them to the mall.

They couldn't drive on their own, since Jacki's car was in for a service and her mom wouldn't let her drive her car.

When they got to the mall, the girls bid farewell to Jacki's parents. Tailor and Jacki have been best friends for 3 years and she felt like a sister to Jacki and a daughter to Jacki's parents. Especially since her own mom passed away a few years ago.

They walked into the mall and texted Dean.

Dean: Where are you? I've been
            waiting forever so I
            decided to walk around a

Jacki: Just meet us by the CD
            place. We're at the mall
            and on our way.

Dean: OK.

'What does he say, since he doesn't answer my texts?', Tailor asked, laughing from next to Jacki.

'He'll meet us by the CD place. And stop that', she said and nudged Tailor. 'He knows we're here together so he decided to only text one of us.'

They walked to the CD place and saw Dean leaning against the door. 'There he is!', Tailor exclaimed and they waved to him.

He looked at them strangely, but smiled when he realized who they were and walked over to them. I would've never guess that he was gay, Jacki thought to herself.

'Sorry, I thought you guys were a bunch of weirdo's who were waving at me,' he said and they laughed. Jacki froze with shyness and Tailor noticed that Dean did the same.

'Shall we go?' She asked to break the awkwardness between the two. They both nodded and the three began to make their way to the bowling alley.

The journey was a silent one and Jacki didn't know what to say to him. But Tailor did all the talking but she too finally had had enough.

'You guys have been talking to eachother on the phone non-stop but you can't talk to eachother in person? Come on, I'm done talking and now it's your turn',  she said and it made them blush a little.

'How's the dancing going?' Jacki asked after she scraped together enough courage to talk to Dean. They are now at the bowling alley and are paying for their lane.

'Good, practice is tough but I have to be ready for the upcoming competition in two months,' he explained as they made their way to their lane.

'I imagine it is pretty hard,' Jacki said and put her stuff down at the table, seeing Tailor do the same with a smile on her face. 'Why are you-'

'Who wants to go first?' Dean asked from the machine. The girls walked over and looked at the screen that demanded their names.

'You can go first, I'll go second and Jacki can go last', Tailor said, knowing that Jacki would most probably be indecisive again.

'Okay, I'll type in your names', he said, going to work and Jacki pulled Tailor off to the side.

'Why were you smiling earlier?' she asked and it made Tailor smile even more.

'Nothing, I'm just happy my two best friends are getting along', she said and turned around to the bowling balls, picking out a blue one.

Jacki sighed unsatisfied but picked a bowling ball out for her as well. She barfed at the pink colour it displayed but it was the only one this light.

They went back to find Dean already bowling his ball and he got a strike, making the girls' mouths drop.

'I didn't know you were that good', Jacki said, feeling her hope sink into her shoes. She sucked at every sport and it always got her down.

'I used to do this a lot with friends, but don't worry. This is just for fun and I have my bad days too', he said and sat down at the table.

Jacki walked over to him and sat down as Tailor was up next. 'You know, it would be fun if we went to your competition and cheer you on. I really would like to see you dance in person', she said as Tailor readied to bowl her second ball.

'Yeah, you should definitely come', he said, smiling and then looked behind her. 'Oh, you're up next. Good luck.'

Jacki turned and saw Tailor had a bad round but she still smiled at her as she saw that Jacki came from Dean.

Jacki was trying het best and got all 10 pins knocked over on her second try. After that, she walked back to the table to wish Dean good luck.

'You know, you're happy with him. The happiest that I've seen you in a long time', Tailor said as Jacki sat down and memories flooded through her mind.

'Yeah, because he's a good friend and he knows what I'm going through with Cyrus', Jacki said and looked at Dean approaching. 'Let's just enjoy the night, please.'
Tailor nodded and stood up to go take her turn. 'What's up? You look down all of a sudden', Dean said, looking worried at Jacki.

'I'm fine, don't worry about it', was her reply but Dean could see that she was in fact not okay.

They enjoyed the rest of their night without another sad thought. Jacki beat Dean by a point and Tailor was far below them.

'I can't believe I actually won', Jacki said to Tailor when her parents came to pick them up after they had said goodbye to Dean.

'Yeah, but it was fun. Thanks for today', she said and looked over at Jacki, who pulled out her phone. 'What does he say?' She asked, knowing that she was talking to Cyrus.

'Nothing much. Just where I've been and stuff', Jacki said, but didn't sound so convincing.

Tailor decided to leave it there and wait until they were alone before she asked her what has really been going on again.


This is a new book and it's based on something I went through, but it has been coloured in to make a good storyline.

I hope you like it and please comment, vote and follow.

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