Chapter 2

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Jacki: I'm heading home now
            from my friends.

Cyrus: Why did it take so long?

Jacki: It was a game, I told you.
            You really don't have to
            act like this again.

Cyrus: Act like what? You're
              spending more time with
              them than me.

Jacki looked up from her phone as they stopped in front of her house. She knew where this conversation was heading and she really wasn't in the mood for a fight today.

The girls climbed out of the car in silence and walked to Jacki's room. Her notification went off a couple of times but she threw her phone down on the bed and turned to Tailor.

'He's fighting with you again, isn't he?' Tailor asked and Jacki looked at her one more time before falling to the floor and spreading her arms across its cold surface. She loved the floor, especially in situations like this.

'He is going to and I really don't want to talk to him right now', she said, her voice muffled by the floor squashing her face.

'I know but it's going to get worse if you don't talk to him', Tailor said, getting Jacki's phone and handed it to her outstretched hand.

Cyrus: Why are you ignoring

Cyrus: See, you don't care about
             me at all and you blame
             me for everything but it's
             your fault. It's your fault
             that we're fighting.

Cyrus: Did he do something to
              you? I don't trust him.
              Are you falling for him? I
              told you that I don't like
              it if you have guy friends.

Jacki had read enough and, sighing, she typed a message to him.

Jacki: He's just a friend and how
            will anything happen
            between us if he's gay?
            Stop blaming me for
            everything you do wrong.
            And if you don't trust him,
            you can come along next
            weekend when we go
            bowling again.

She hit send and it wasn't long before the screen indicated that he was typing. She glanced over at Tailor, who had taken a place next to her and watched as they spoke on the phone.

Cyrus: Fine, I'll go but I won't
             promise anything.


The next Saturday rolled by and Jacki was driving with Cyrus and his friend, Marco, to the mall for their bowling night.

Tailor and Dean would be meeting them there so Jacki was stuck with the two boys, who didn't include her in any of their conversations.

She was eager to get out of the car and when they stopped in the parking lot, she climbed out quickly. She then led the boys through the mall to the CD place where everyone would be getting together.

'Hey, Dean. It's good to see you again', Jacki said and turned to Tailor and gave her a hug before pointing towards the boys. 'This is Cyrus and his friend, Marco.'

They shook hands and Dean gave Cyrus a weird, disappointed look. 'Let's go. I don't want to miss curfew', Tailor said, breaking the silent deathstares.

During the game, Cyrus and Marco kept to a distance and talked to one another. It irritated Jacki, because everytime she would go over to try and talk to them, they would shut her out.

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