Chapter 7

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The six weeks seemed to pass agonizingly slow for Dean. He couldn't wait to walk again, especially with the Halloween dance this Friday, which was in two days.

Jacki drove him to the hospital after school so he could get his casts removed. But he was impatient and gave the docter a hard time.

'When is it over? I still have to go shopping with my girlfriend for a costume', he whined as the docter sawed the second cast.

'Only a few more minutes', the docter said, clearly irritated.

'Baby, just calm down. You can wait a little longer', Jacki said but it didn't work because he was about to say something to irritate the docter more.

So Jacki did what she had to and kissed him, which shut him up immediately. In what felt like seconds later, the docter announced that he was finished.

Jacki pulled away from a smirking Dean and thanked the docter. Dean tried to stand but he lost his balance and was about to fall, but luckily Jacki and the docter caught him.

'You need to take it easy. You haven't walked in six weeks so you need to get your balance back', he said and held on to Dean until he could stand on his own.

Luckily, he didn't have to worry about blockage in the veins or arteries because of the exercises he did.

After a few tries, Dean could finally walk on his own again and raced Jacki to her car. She laughed at his childness and raced after him.

'Dean has won the race and now he deserves a kiss', he mocked her announcement from six weeks ago.

She kissed him quickly before climbing into the car. Shocked, he climbed into the car as well and stared at her.

She looked over at his pouty-face and laughed. She leaned in and gave him a real kiss, earning a satisfied smile from him.

'We have to go now before all the costumes are out', Jacki said when she finally pulled away and started the car.

At the shops, they decided to go with a couple costume and they chose the vampire lord and his bride. They also bought fake blood and make-up.

On their way to Dean's house, they talked about how fun Friday will be. 'I'll be your beloved bride', Jacki said and Dean smiled.

'One day, you will be in real life as well', he said with pride and Jacki's heart melted.

'I will be happy to', she said and then Dean's smile got bigger.

'Then it's settled, we're engaged!', he announced and Jacki almost choked. Dean burst into laughter and Jacki glared at him. 'I'm joking, princess. The proposal will be much more romantic.'

Jacki blushed and punched him from her side of the car as they pulled into his driveway.

They climbed out and walked to the door, where he opened it for her. 'Thank you, baby', she said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she passed.

'Guess what!', Anna screamed as she ran towards the front door to meet with them. 'I'm pregnant!', she squeeled and hugged them.

'I'm so happy for you, sis!', Dean said as he let go of his older sister. She then turned to hug Jacki and a tear rolled down Anna's cheeck.

'You're going to be a great mom', Jacki said and that made Anna smile more.

'Thank you', she said and wiped away s tear. 'Come on, there's cake and Graham is here as well.'

She led them to the kitchen and Jacki saw her husband for the first time. 'Graham, this is Jacki, my brother's girlfriend. Jacki, this is Graham, my husband', she said and the two shook hands after greeting.

'We'll be back', Dean said and he turned around, signalling for Jacki to follow. 'We just have to get these bags upstairs.'

They nodded and continued their talk in the kitchen as Dean and Jacki made their way upstairs.

'I don't trust Graham around you, so please stay by my side', Dean said after he put his costume in his closet and Jacki put hers in her backpack.

'Okay, I will. But why don't you trust him?', she asked, curiously. He seemed really on alert since he knew Graham was here.

'He used to be a manwhore before he met Anna and I'm scared that he'll do something to you', he admitted and Jacki smiled at him as she pulled him into a hug.

'I'll stay by your side, baby', she said and he kissed her forehead. He gave her one last squeeze before he let het go.

'Let's go downstairs before they start to worry', Dean said and walked with his girlfriend hand-in-hand down the stairs.

'Here's your cake', Mrs Anderson said and gave them each a plate of chocolate cake. Jacki could see Dean licking his lips and she laughed.

'Thanks, Mrs Anderson', Jacki said and Dean thanked her too, with cake already in his mouth.

The couple went to the couch and sat next to eachother and Anna and Graham followed.

Dean pulled Jacki closer to him and kept his arm around her while he ate cake with the other.

Anna took a seat next to Jacki and Graham next to Anna. Anna turned the tv on and the four finished their cake in silence.

When they were all done, Jacki took their plates to the kitchen. She was unaware that Dean gave a death stare at Graham as he looked at her ass.

'Graham, I hope that you'll be a good father to my neice or nephew', Dean said, making Graham divert his attention back to them.

'I will, right Anna?', he asked and kissed her. Dean got angry but calmed down when Jacki entered the room again.

'I'm going to take Jacki home now. We still have school tomorrow', he said and said bye to his sister and mother but only giving Graham a stare.

'Be safe!', his mother called after them after Jacki said goodbye.

'What happened?', Jacki asked Dean as they got into her car.

'He looked at your butt', he said and she heard the anger in his voice. She was glad that she was the one driving and not him.

She felt angry as well, but they were away from the house and she probably won't see Graham ever again.

'It's okay, I will probably never be in the same room with him ever again', she said, trying to convince Dean and herself. She felt violated, but tried her best to hide it for Dean's sake.

'I will make sure of that', Dean said shortly.


I hope you like it. I'll try to publish everything else today.

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