Chapter 8

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'Please calm down', Jacki said to Dean when they were in her room. He wouldn't stop pacing around.

'I can't. What if he does something to you?', he said, stopping for a second but then continued to pace.

Jacki walked to him and grabbed his forearms and planted a kiss on his lips in hopes that it would calm him down. It worked and he eased beneath her touch and returned her kiss.

She pulled away slightly so they were only inches apart. 'We'll overcome anything if we only do it together', she said and she saw a spark in his eyes.

'Have I ever told you how much I love you?', he asked rhetorically and she blushed while looking down.

He took her chin between his fingers and lifted her face up so their eyes connected.

'I love you, my vampire lord', Jacki said and it made Dean laugh.

'This Halloween is going to be fun, my vampire bride', he said in a Dracula voice.


Halloween arrived and the students could wear their costumes to school. Dean and Jacki walked together to meet Tailor at their lockers.

'Hi, you guys look so cute!', Tailor said when she saw Dean and Jacki. That made the couple blush and Jacki looked over Tailor's costume.

She wore a skeleton shirt and leggings and her face was painted like a skeleton. 'You look pretty gruesome', Jacki said with a smile and Dean nodded.

'Are you guys going to the dance tonight?', Tailor asked them and Dean gave her a look that said: you've-got-to-be-kidding-me. Jacki looked at his face and started to laugh, which made him look at her with that look too.

Dean cleared his voice. 'I'm a dancer, of course I'll be going to the dance tonight', he said and Jacki and Tailor finally stopped laughing at him.

'Yay, okay. I'll see you guys at lunch', Tailor said when the bell rang, walking off in the direction of homeroom.

'We're in the same homeroom, idiot!', Jacki screamed while containing a laugh as Tailor turned around and blushed.

She stopped in her tracks and waited for the two to catch up. 'Sorry, I forgot', she said when they reached her.

'It's okay, now I can laugh at you like you laughed at me', Dean said and fake evil-laughed.

Tailor gave him a look and then looked at Jacki. 'Your boyfriend's a meanie', Tailor said and continued to walk, with Jacki following her.

When Dean stopped laughing, he realized that the girls left him standing alone in the hallway. He saw them walk into their homeroom and sprinted after them.

When he reached homeroom, he walked to the back of the class where they sat and gave the two an angry look.

'I can't believe you left me in the hallway all alone', he said, folding his arms like an angry child.

'It's not our fault you didn't notice that we left. We didn't try to hide it, plus you laughed at me and we needed to get to homeroom', Tailor said and Dean looked over at Jacki for support.

'It was just some fun', she said, smiling at Dean and he laughed sarcastically before he turned to the front. 'I'll make it up to you later.'

He glanced at her quickly and she saw that he wasn't really mad at her. That made her smile and then the bell rang.

'Now I can say that I'll see you guys at lunch', Tailor said, smiling victorious. Dean and Jacki laughed at her before heading out the door to their class.

At lunch the three sat at a table and enjoyed their meals. Dean's phone vibrated and his face turned grave from the moment he read the text.

Jacki noticed and put a hand on his shoulder. 'What does it say?', she asked but his face was glued to his phone.

'My sister and her husband have decided to come to the party tonight', he said and Jacki's face turned grave as well.

'What's the problem?', Tailor asked, completely oblivious to the situation.

'Graham', Jacki said and realisation spread across Tailor's face.

'Oh', was the only thing she was able to say.


'Just promise me you'll stay by my side', Dean said as they arrived at the school that night.

'I promise, now come on. We have to meet Tailor!', Jacki said, trying to cheer her boyfriend up.

'Okay', he replied but still didn't smile so Jacki went up behind him while he walked. She bit his neck with her fake fangs and tickled him on his sides with her hands.

That earned a few laughs from him and she stepped back before he turned to face her. 'I now command you to enjoy the night, for you are my vampire slave', Jacki said in an evil voice, covering the bottom half of her face with her cape.

'Okay, okay. You win', he said, pulling her closer to him and kissed her. But she pulled away too soon for his liking.

'Tailor', she said, seeing his pouty face.

'Right, but we're not done yet', Dean said and put his arm over his bride and walked to the entrance where they had to meet up with Tailor.

'Hi, guys. Is it okay if I hang with someone... else tonight', Tailor said, not certain how to explain it but they caught on.

'Yeah, of course. Go dance the night away!', Jacki said and a huge smile appeared on Tailor's face.

'Thank you!', she exclaimed before turning around and going into the hall.

'Now we have the night to ourselves', Dean said, his eyebrows twitching and Jacki pushed him softly.

'Come, let's dance loverboy', she said and pulled him onto the dancefloor.

He was a really good dancer and he literally swept Jacki off her feet when the two glided across the dancefloor.

All things went well, until Jacki had gone to fetch punch but bumped into someone. 'Oh, there you are sweetheart. I've been looking for you', the manwhore, known as Graham, said.

Jacki tried to ignore him but he pulled her towards him forcefully and smashed his lips onto hers. She tried to pull away, but he was stronger than her. So she did what she could and kicked him in the groin.

He stumbled back and groaned but quickly steadied his posture again. Jacki wanted to seize the moment to slip away, but he grapped her and punched her in  the face, making her fall to the floor.

The people around them gasped as Jacki's hand went to her now bleeding lip. She looked up to see Graham coming towards her again, but Dean stepped in between them.

'Stay away from her, you filthy shitbag!', Dean hissed but Anna came and stood by Graham's side.

'What happened?', she asked worried as she looked over at Jacki, who has now stood up.

'That whore tried to kiss me and tempt me so I punched her', Graham said and Dean felt his anger rose, knowing that wasn't the case.

'How dare you call her that! And lie to my sister!', Dean said but Anna stopped him.

'Get your whore of a girlfriend out of here and leave my husband alone. He would never lie to me', Anna said and turned to leave with Graham.

Dean couldn't believe his sister's naiveness. He turned around to care for Jacki but she was out of sight.

'She went outside. Go!', Tailor said, running to Dean. He didn't waste time and made his way through the already whispering crowd.


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