Chapter 3

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'You leave me and go right into the arms of this asshole!' Cyrus screamed, making Jacki shoot up from Dean's arms.

'I told you to stay out of my life', Jacki said, rubbing her tears off of her face.

Cyrus came around to the front of the bench and yanked her up forcefully by the arm. 'And I told you that it isn't over until I say it is', he hissed. His grip tightened around her arm, making her wince in pain.

'Get off of her!', Dean yelled as he wripped Cyrus away from Jacki and placed her behind him defensively.

'Stay out of this', Cyrus said between gritted teeth and Jacki gripped Deans arm, in hopes he would back down. But he stayed his ground.

'No, she said "leave her alone", so would you please take your ass and go before things get ugly. You don't deserve her', Dean said, ignoring the sparks that came from Jacki's hand.

'Fine, take her. I don't want her anyway', Cyrus said and turned around to walk away, too intimidated by Dean.

'Thanks, but you really didn't have to do that,' Jacki said, letting go of Dean's arm and took her seat on the bench again.

Dean turned to her and saw that she wasn't done crying yet. He hunched down in front of her and took her hands in his.

She looked into his eyes and he could see the hurt in her hazel orbs. 'Let's go back to my house and talk', he said and she nodded slowly.

He stood upright, followed by her and they walked together to his house. When they arrived, he led her to his room where they wouldn't be bothered.

'Are you ready to tell me what happened?', he asked when she lay down on his bed with her back facing him. She only moaned and it made him smile.

He went over and lay down next to her on his back. She moved away from him a little and he looked at her vulnerable frame.

'I take that as a no, but it's okay. You'll tell me when you're ready', he said and closed his eyes.

He opened them again when he felt her arm wrap around his torso. He looked down to see her cuddled up next to him with her eyes closed.

He hesitated at first but then stroked her hair gently, letting her fall asleep.


Jacki shot up in the middle of the night to unknown surroundings. She looked down and saw Dean next to her and calmed down, lying back down again.

'It wasn't a dream,' she whispered as a tear rolled down her face. She moved closer to Dean, making him tense up and wrap his arms around her again.

She fell asleep with his intoxicating scent in her nostrils.

The next morning, Jacki opened her eyes and saw Dean exit the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

'Don't get dressed!', she yelled as she threw the blankets over her head to cover her eyes.

She heard a laugh and a few moments later, Dean pulled back the covers, now dressed in shorts. Jacki looked up at him to see him put a shirt on and jump down on the bed next to her.

'I slept over', she said more as a statement than a question.

'Yeah, you did. But don't worry, I told your mother that you and Tailor were sleeping over. I know how overprotective she can be', he said after seeing the worried expression on her face.

'I should get home and shower then', she said, getting up and walked to the door but Dean stopped her.

'My sister said you can borrow some clothes for today and tomorrow', he said and Jacki wanted to protest immediately. 'I'm not letting you go home in this state. Plus, it's holiday so we don't have school.'

Jacki sighed in frustration, hating to admit that Dean was right. 'Fine', she said and took the clothes on the bed before heading to Dean's bathroom.

When she was done she walked downstairs to find Dean alone on the couch. The house was otherwise vacant. 'Where is everyone?', she asked, making him turn around.

'I see the clothes fit you well, that's good', Dean said, standing up and walked to the kitchen. 'My mom's at work, so is my sis.'

'So what are we going to to today?', she asked him, leaning against the counter after she followed him into the kitchen.

'I'm going to make breakfast and then we're going to relax ebfore I go to dance practice at 3', he said as he got the pans out and Jacki moved over to him to help.

Later, when they finished breakfast, Jacki felt ready to tell Dean what happened, even though she knew he would freak out.

'I'm ready to tell you', Jacki said, sitting up from her position of lying with her head on Dean's lap.

He straighten up as well when he heard her and looked at her. 'Okay, I'm all ears', he said, watching her fiddle with her fingers.

Jacki talked to Tailor this morning and Tailor had told her to tell Dean about what happened, since he was sort of involved.

'Before I went to the park, I stopped at Cyrus's house and when I got upstairs-' she struggled to form the words as a knot formed in her throat. '-I saw him in bed with Cheryl.'

'What? That can't be, she won't do something like that', Dean said in disbelief because he was friends with her as well.

Jacki burst into tears and ran out of the room and into the bathroom, not believing that he was doubting her.

Dean shot up as well, cursing himself, and walked to the bathroom door. 'I'm sorry, Jacki. I didn't mean it like that', he tried to say but he could only hear sobs coming from behind the door.

He sighed, frustrated with himself, and slid down the door with his back until he was sitting against it.

'I do believe you. It was just a shock that she would do something like that. I guess people aren't what they seem.', he said but still received silence. 'It still doesn't make it right what they did and I'm sorry this happened to you. I meant what I said, he didn't deserve you.'

He heard the lock of the door go undone and he stood up as Jacki opened the door. 'I'm sorry I overreacted. I-', she started but he didn't let her finish.

'It's okay, you don't need to explain. I should've chosen my words better', he said and pulled her in for a hug.

'Thank you.', she wrapped her arms around him.

'I'll always be here for you', he said and kissed her forhead. When am I going to tell her?


I have a long weekend (YAY) and school only starts on Wednesday again. So that means I'll be updating as much as I can.

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