Chapter 6

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Jacki felt better today and was ready to go back to school after yesterday. Dean always had a way to make her smile again.

Dean picked her up at her house this morning and when they arrived at school, everyone was staring in guilt at them.

'See, no one will say anything', Dean said, giving Jacki's shoulder a reassuring squeez. She smiled as they walked to homeroom.

The day went by fast and so did the rest of the week. But something did happen that Saturday.

Dean was on his way to Jacki, driving in the pouring rain. Jacki was worried sick, but trusted God to get Dean there safely. Her mom and step dad also tried to reassure her.

Since the incident at school, Jacki's parents started paying more attention to her to see if she wasn't experiencing depression or anything.

She checked the clock. It was 8:45. He should've been here by 8, she thought and turned on the news.

'There has been an accident near Cloud road. A silver mustang drove into a tree after losing control on the slippery road-', Jacki's mom looked over at her pale daughter, knowing what this meant.

That was Dean's car.


Dean couldn't see clearly through the windshield because of all the rain. Please just let me get there safely, he prayed.

But a car backed out of a driveway in front of him and he swung out of the way. The car's tires spun and the next second, the airbad deployed as he hit something.

Pain shot through his legs and it was hard to keep his eyes open as the rain continued to pour.

The last thing he heard was the approaching sirens before darkness consumed him.

Dean woke up in what seemed a few minutes in a hospital bed. He tried to sit up, but pain shot through him so he lay back down.

'Dean! You're awake!', Jacki said, excitedly but he could see that she had been crying.

Then his mom and sister appeared behind Jacki and they too had been crying. Dean felt bad. 'I'm sorry I made you cry', he said, more to Jacki but the three ladies laughed at him.

'It's not your fault', Jacki said as she squeezed his hand and that made him smile at her.

'She's right. A guy reversed without looking, which made you lose control', his mom said and he started to remember.

'Good, he's awake', the docter said when he entered the room. He walked over to the bed with his clipboard and that's when Dean noticed his legs were both in casts.

'What happened?', Dean asked and gestured to his legs.

'You broke your left femur and fractured your right tibia. Don't worry. It will be healed in six weeks but until then, you'll have to use a wheelchair', the docter explained and wrote down some notes. 'He can go home now.'

'Thank you docter', they all said in unison.

Dean was wheeled into the house by Jacki as his mother and sister got everything out of the way.

'We'll make a bed on the couch for you, bro', Dean's sister, Anna, said.

'Thanks, sis', Dean said and Jacki could hear her boyfriend felt a little useless and depressed. She grabbed the wheelchair and acted like a race car, careful not to be too rough, and raced to the living room after his mom and Anna moved everything.

They all were laughing now, even Dean, and that made Jacki's smile grow even bigger. She came to a stop next to the couch. 'Dean has won the race and can now receive a kiss', she announced and gave him a quick peck.

'You two are adorable', his mom said and smiled, seeing the two lovebirds together. In her heart she knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. 'Do you want to stay for dinner, Jacki?'

'That would be lovely, thank you Mrs Anderson,' Jacki said and blushed at her previous comment.

'Come then, Anna. Let's give the doves some space', she said and that made Jacki blush even more as the two left into the kitchen.

She looked down at Dean who was looking up at her and saw he was blushing too. 'Can you please help me onto the couch, sweetheart? Then we can cuddle', Dean asked and Jacki didn't hesitate to help him.

Once he was seated, he switched the tv on and Jacki took a seat next to him, cuddling into his chest.

'I'm sorry. I can't do the things I used to and now you have to be my slave and help me with everything', Dean said annoyed and Jacki sat up to look him in the eyes.

'Don't you ever think that. I'm not a slave, I'm helping you because I want to and I love you. This is not your fault and I love you no matter what. Remember?', she said and a tear rolled down his cheek. Jacki was shocked. She never saw him cry before.

'I can't lose you', he said and looked Jacki dead in the eyes. 'I almost did today. I can't think of what I would do if I did.'

Jacki hugged him and he instantly wrapped his arms tightly around her, sniffing. 'You won't lose me. Not now, not ever. We're going to grow old together and if you die before me then they'll have to dig two graves because if you leave this world, I do too', she said and ran her hands up and down his back.

That made him laugh a bit and he pulled back from the hug. 'Thank you, princess. I'll do the same with you', he said and kissed her. But this kiss was filled with love and appreciation.

She kissed back and soon he licked het bottom lip. This was the first time he did this and Jacki gladly opened up for him.

His tongue explored her mouth and she did the same with his. It felt amazing and their mouths seemed to be made for eachother.

Jacki pulled away, out of breath and Dean was breathing heavily as well. 'That was amazing', Jacki said and Dean smirked.

'It definitely was and I hope we get to do it again soon', he said as his smirk grew.


That's it for today. I'll update again tomorrow.

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