Chapter 13: Countdown To Misery

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iris pov

"god does this place ever get cold" I groaned walking to class along with Ryder

"it sometimes does around February and January" he announced

"but its freaking December I'm not asking for snow, but it could drop a couple degrees" I exclaimed

"welcome to Florida" he smiled while I only rolled my eyes as we got into the castle

"whatever, do we have lunch together today?" I asked curious. this week was the one before winter break and because of that they cut the classes in weird ways messing up with the schedule

"nah I have first you have second" he announced

"alright, I'll catch you later than" I said before walking off to my least favorite period. French

"so you ready for this?" Sabrina asked as I sat down in my seat

"I guess" I shrugged not caring either way. I somehow managed to get my F to a D so whatever I get on this test doesn't really matter to me all that much

"that's the spirit" she said rolling her eyes just before milo came into the classroom looking tired as hell with circles around his eyes, but he still waved and smiled at me before taking his seat up front

the search on milo ended up becoming a failure. there were match ups but nothing about the sea so I knew it couldn't be about milo. I can tell that his name really is milo cause there's no reason to lie about it so that must mean he's also using a fake family name. I tried searching up the name milo with merpeople but all files on pure bloods were closed off

it's been a month since I started the search on milo and nothings really known except for the fact that he's a merman, pureblooded and a bitch. although I have noticed that he's been looking worse and worse for a while and he ends up sleeping in class more than often

"......hey?" I asked Sabrina while the teacher let us have time to study before the exam

"yeah, you need-" she started

"could a mermaid live well in the ocean, like just outside of Clearwater" I asked curious and she stared at me before chuckling

"seriously?" she asked me and I took that as an obvious yes

"of course not" she announced

"why not?" I asked surprised

"iris, its Clearwater putting aside that most of the time the water is seriously clear unless you dive down deep into the water, that place is a huge tourist attraction. I mean I've gone out swimming out at night sometimes, but swimming during the day is definitely risky" she announced while I only stared at her before glancing at milo

"and you wouldn't know about living underwater since your half human" I remembered

"how did you know that?" she asked surprised

"I can smell it" I lied

"oh.... well my mom said that she lived under the sea for a while but the only coral neighborhoods are pretty far away" she announced. I guess that explains why he's always so tired

"alright class it's time to start" the teacher announced before giving me a look while I only returned it. I shouldn't worry about stupid things like milo's living arrangements

once I was done with my test I handed it in before going on my phone taking care of some business texting some of the younger alphas. somehow I managed to catch up with everything even with my parents constant nagging over my shoulder. when I got bored of texting I noticed that everyone else was done including a tired looking milo who was sitting alone while his harem looked from their seat worried about him and I contemplated on what I should do before sighing and going to check on the fish

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