Chapter 23: Happy Hunting

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milo pov

the next morning, I got up earlier then I usually do since drying off by myself was taking longer than I usually have too, I guess my scales were starting to get too used to drying off with a towel. once I was changed and my legs grew back I put on my lotion

"running low huh" I sighed seeing that there wasn't much left. I needed to find out what I was going to do for money soon. I'm sure iris or Gwen would buy me more if I asked, but I don't want to become a burden...but maybe a blow dryer isn't too much to ask for right? with that thought in mind I went over to iris's room about to knock on the door when it was suddenly opened and I was met with Ryder's face

"oh, hi" I said surprised to see him there

"what's up" he asked giving me a certain look confusing me and I looked past him to see iris was in bed covering herself with her blanket while her clothes from yesterday were on the floor......

"oooohhhhh" I said getting it

"are you Luna then?" I asked curious and he looked at me surprised

"no, he's not Luna we're just friends......with benefits" iris explained. I didn't think she would do that but I guess women have needs too

"I see, iris do you have a blow dryer I could possibly use?" I asked a little worried she wouldn't take it well

", but we can go buy you one before school" she said once she understands what I meant

"you really don't have to go through the trouble" I said feeling bad

"it's cool milo it's just a blow dryer. And I'm kinda naked so......." she trailed off while I made a face

"eee- I mean ok" I said remembering how she took offense to it last time I reacted that way and I started to go to my room till a hand grabbed my shoulder and I turned to see Ryder

"ummmm can I help you in some way?"

"....... you're really not interested in iris?"

"no, she's like an older sister. I said this already didn't I" I reminded him and he looked almost relived seeing that I was telling the truth confusing me till I connected the dots

"do you like more than friends with benefits?" I asked

"well yeah, but like this were always together so for now we're just in a sort of open relationship" he announced. I didn't really approve of that kind of thing, and I wasn't particularly a fan of Ryder but it was important to let your friends be happy and since he was one of iris's old friends I should support it

"good luck with that man" I said giving him Easton's smile before heading to my room

"oh iris, your taste in men is lacking" I sighed now seeing why her parents were so worried about her. I then grabbed my back pack and headed down stairs only to see that Marcus was the only one there

"the others aren't here?" I asked looking for harper and jay

"no, they said they had to started going to school earlier. your actually pretty early yourself" he pointed out putting food down at the table. thankfully nothing with gills

"and Annabelle is sleeping in?" I predicted getting my plate

"yes......I think the two of us need to have a talk" Marcus announced sitting down across me

"about?" I asked not liking this. Marcus was a strange one. he'd always act weird whenever Annabelle and iris were in a room together I didn't like him very much because of it........ ok it was more so that I was still holding a grudge against the fish he likes to cook

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