Chapter One-File 1

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Akane's POV

I was fed up with this so called ghost! First it had the audacity to turn my shower water to a thick red blood, then it made all of my furniture stick to my ceiling and now it's abusing me! I growl low in my throat as I make my way to school and head for class. Once I arrive I head for Mai. She sees me and then hops over.

"Guess what! I got a job at Shibuya Pyschic Research!" she squeals in excitement. I freeze. This was to good to be true. My eyes grow wide and I grab her arm and tow her after me. "H-hey! where are we going?!" I don't answer and head for the bathroom. Quickly locking the door I turn to her.

"I need your help Mai." She nods.

"Anything for a friend." I gulp, contemplating on whether or not to bring her into this.

"F-for the past three years....a ghost has been tormenting me." She laughs and shoves my shoulder.

"Come on, stop joking around with me!" I sigh and then pull out my phone. Quickly swiping the pass code I click on the video I had taped sometime ago.

"I was going to take this to some ghost hunters, hoping they would help me if they saw what was going on." I say as I turn it around to show her. It was my bedroom. I had set it up on my dresser, facing my bed. Her face turned from amused and annoyed to horror. I knew what she was seeing.

The video was taped a couple months ago. The ghost had almost strangled me to death, lifting my struggling body four feet into the air as my bed flew across the room to hit the wall. It then dropped me to the ground and scratched at my back, drawing blood. Then it proceeded to write the words DIE OR SUFFER ETERNITY IN HELL!!! On my my own blood. The video stopped and I lowered the phone.

"How long has this been happening?!" She screeched as she grabbed me and hugged me to her. I mumble into her shoulder and she pulls back. "What?" I can't help but giggle at her confused face.

"Hmmm...about three years." I say as I scratch my head. She gasps and then drags me out of the bathroom, out of the school and into town.

"Mai? Where are we going?" I ask as she rushes down the sidewalk. She throws me a grin over her shoulder.

"I'm taking you to work of course." I grin back at her and then we run the rest of the way.

* * *

Mai pulls me inside a building and then stops outside of a door. She knocks and a voice the was surprisingly soft yet deep at the same time rang out.

"Come in." She throws the door open and then drags me in with her.

"Mai? What are you doing here your supposed to be at school! Do you want to get stupider?" The guy at the desk asks with a raised eyebrow. He had shaggy black hair and sharp blue eyes that scanned over us. I nod my head in respect when his gaze flickers over to me.

"I'm sorry Naru but my friend, Akane, has a ghost problem that's been going on for about three years and being the baka I know she didn't tell anyone until this morning." He raised an eyebrow again and motioned me forward, beckoning for us to sit down.

"Explain." He said as we took the seats in front of his desk. I look at Mai nervously. I don't really do good with new people. She nods her head and then grabs my hand, squeezing reassuringly. I take a deep breath and then begin.

"Well about three years ago strange things began to happen to me. It started out small. Mainly lights flickering and doors and cupboards slamming when I'm the only one there." I say as I fiddle with a loose string on my shirt.

"Then it escalated to screams and moving furniture. It would happen every night at midnight, screams sounding from right next to me. The furniture would just switch places or turn upside down or on its side." I gulp and then close my eyes.

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