Chapter Two-File 1

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A/N: HEY! I forgot to mention in the last chapter that this is taking place right after the abandoned school house incident that takes place at Mai's school. Also I'm going to have the relationships get mixed up a little bit as well as the episodes order. For example, I might put the Bloody Labyrinth in front of the creepy doll episode. Not that I will in the first place...

Also this is Dedicated to @VehynFyre For her awesome book

Ghost Hunt-Cases of a Different Kind

Go and check it out! I rather enjoy the twist she put on this lovely Manga/Anime! Okay now to Chapter Two!


Mai's POV

I finish making Earl Gray tea and then walk it out to Naru. I can't help but smile as I remember how I gave him that nickname.

"Here ya go Naru!" I say as I give him a smile. He merely grunts in response and then goes back to looking at the papers on his desk. I frown and then walk over to Lin. He was watching the cameras we had set up.

"Did you want any tea Lin?" I ask, knowing the stoic man's answer already. He shakes his head, eyes not moving from the many screens.

"No Mai, thank you though." I smile to myself as I turn to look at the screens as well.There was a camera in every room but the bathroom and her closet. Motion from the top middle screen catches my eye and I focus on it. Akane had just sat up in bed. She looked around before dropping to the bed again. I begin to feel uneasy and continue to stare at the screen.

I jump as loud screams echo from the screen and from across the hall. Everyone comes running and we all watch what happens next. The screams soon die down and Akane rolls onto her back. No one could move, they were too shocked about what would happen next...

"Hello to you too." She whispers. Then all of a sudden she's yanked into the air. My hands fly to my mouth as a gasp escapes me. Monk and John go to try and stop it as the rest of us stare in shock. She was clawing at her throat and was quickly turning blue. Laughter was ringing through the speakers.

I wince when she falls to the ground. I then become aware that her bed had also been thrown across the room. She gasps for air and then wheezes out a question.

"Why?" I strain my ears to hear.

"Because it's fun..." A voice softly whispers. My visions blurs as she was again lifted up to the ceiling. She crumples to the floor and then let's out an agonizing scream. Her back arched off the floor as blood began to soak her shirt and puddle in the floor around her. I couldn't move, I was too shocked at what was happening.

In the background I faintly hear a door splinter and Monk's mantra as Akane stops screaming. The noise snaps me out of my daze. I run out of the room, ignoring the sound of following footsteps.

"AKANE!" I call out as I reach her bedroom. Monk was slumped against the wall panting and Akane was laying there limply. She turns her head towards me and then winces, a whimper of pain escaping her lips. I rush over to her and kneel, ignoring the feel of her warm blood soaking into my jeans.

"M-mai?" She whispers as I softly stroke her cheek. Tears cascade down my cheeks as someone else kneels on the other side of her.

"Oh god..." I whisper as I stare at her stomach. She was losing so much blood. She lets out a sketchy laugh and then licks her lips.

"I...have a...kit for...this...closet.." She whispers as her eyes begin to close. As her eyes drift shut she lets out a wheezy breath and then stops breathing all together. I stare at her, eyes wide as I look at my best friend. Then I scream her name.

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