Chapter Five-File 1(Epilouge)

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Akane's POV

"They're here..." I whisper as I edge myself slightly in front of Mai.

"Just stay behind me." I command Mai, watching as the room grows darker, the air colder, and the screams more distinct.




"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I wrap Mai in a hug as she covers her ears. Monk's chanting and John's sermon grow steadily louder as banging begins to sound. My turn.

"Daddy?" I call out, letting go of Mai and stepping to the edge of the circle. Everything stops.

"Daddy? Are you there?" I ask in an innocent voice, hoping to draw out the cause of all this.

And it works.

"Sssssaaaalllllyyyy....." I shiver as a black, shadowy blob forms the shape of a man in the middle of the room.

"Hi Daddy, I was looking for you. Do you want to play a game with me?" the ghost growls and takes a step forward as I open my arms wide, as if I were asking for a hug.

"Sssssaallllyyy..........pllllaaayyyyy..." I nod and take one more step, letting myself stand on the very edge of the barrier. He takes a step forward and then winces, before turning to face Monk and John. He lets out a roar before waving his hand at them. They go flying and Mai takes a step forward, reaching for them.

"Monk! John!" The black mist sweeps another arm towards Naru and Lin, who had taken steps forward to deal with the spirit themselves. This time Mai and I cry out in sync.

"NO!" I take a step outside of the barrier and then gasp as the spirit whips it's head around to look at me. I take a step back before my eyes widen. Mai had just ran for Monk and John. I run after her, the ghost now the last thing on my mind.

"Mai!" I slide to a stop next to her and whip around, facing the ghost. She checks them for pulses before standing up and dashing for Naru and Lin. She looks up at me and nods before slowly standing up.

"Saaalllyyyyy......cooooommmmeee hhheeerrreee....." I shake my head and then form the hand sign for the immovable one, starting to chant the words before another roar sounds out and I go flying.

"Akane!" I use the last of my strength to look up and see the spirit slowly look at Mai. I gasp and suddenly find myself in Mai's arms, eyes closed as my mouth opens in a scream.

"NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!" A blinding flash sounds and I wince, hugging my younger half to me. A low agonizing scream echoes and fades until the flash disappears. I pull away from Mai and the door bursts open, revealing Ayako and Masako.

"What The Hell?!" I wince as the priests voice pierces the fog in my head, reaching up to clutch it, idiotically hoping to try and relive the pain with pressure. My hand lands on something wet and sticky and I peel it away and through blurry vision, gaze at the reflective red substance covering my hand.

"I...think we...exorcised the ghost..." And with that I fell into darkness....


Ayako, Mai and Masako were running from person to person, hoping that one of them would wake up.

'If Monk, John, Naru AND Lin were knocked out and Masako and I didn't do it...then who exorcised the spirit?' Her thoughts were chasing each other in circles as she patched up the cut on Akane's head.

'What was that flash? Akane was covering my eyes...' Mai pushed a pillow under Lin's raised head and then sat back on her heels, looking over to her unconcious sister.

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