Chapter Six-File 2

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Akane's POV

I'm proud to say I have a job now!!! After I was healed Naru, Lin and Mai came to visit to ask if I wanted a job working as Naru's secretary/assistant. Of course I said yes. In fact I have my first appointment with a client today!

"They're here!" Mai shouts as she goes to open the door. I smile and go to the kitchen to grab drinks and snacks for them. As I walk back my gaze settles on the first woman.

Mary Tocanowa, a thirty four year old woman with shoulder length dark brown hair and once bright brown eyes. When you look at her you can tell she was once beautiful but something horrors blue happened to her and now she has dark purplish bags under her eyes and worry wrinkles crack through her forehead. Her eyes are now a dull muddy brown and she keeps fidgeting, her eyes darting from side to side. Mai hands her a glass of water as I set the plate of mini-sandwiches on the table in front of her. My eyes watch her controlled movements, the way her stomach grumbles and she eyes the food warily, as if someone, or something, was going to bring hell down in her if she ate.

The woman had a girl with her, probably just a couple years older than me. She was gorgeous, long light brown hair that fell like a silky waterfall and bright green eyes. Her skin was slightly tanned and she seemed ignorant to what was going on.

"How can we help you?" I ask as I sit down across from them.

"My ex-boyfriend made the appointment. He still worries about me sometimes. " I nod, trying not to wince in sympathy. Naru and Lin come in and my gaze locks with Naru's before turning back to the women.

"What seems to be the problem?" Naru asks as Lin gets his laptop ready.

"My ex-fiancé is haunting us." I raise an eyebrow. That was unexpected.

"When my daughter, Orchid, was born he committed suicide because he was afraid that she would ruin our lives. Now he seems to want revenge." I nod.

"Could you please describe what is going on? It would help us figure out how to help much more quickly." I ask softly. She nods before taking a breath.

"I can't eat. Every time I try, He comes and either throws plates at my head or chokes me. The same with my daughter. We also have to sleep in the same room. Otherwise he..." Her voice fades off and I turn my gaze to the girl.

"He'll try to take advantage of us." She says what her mother cannot and I can't help but admire her for saying that without any emotion.

"Y-yes and we can't go in the basement either. No one can, everyone who tried ending up serverly injured or...or dead." Okay now we HAVE to take the case! It has a creepy basement!!!

"Alright, Mai, Akane, start packing up the van after you get the rest of the information." Mai nods and then immediately starts to pack. I smile and turn to them.

"Looks like we're taking your case! Now if you could give me your address we'll be good to go." She nods, listing a street and a couple numbers before going to stand up.

"There's one more thing I'd like to request. If you could have two or three rooms set aside for us we would really appreciate it." Mary nods while Orchid looks skeptical.

"What do you need them for?" I smile softly.

"One of the rooms will be for a Base. It's were we set up the monitors and gather to figure out plans. The other one or two would be bedrooms for us to sleep in." She grins sheepishly.

"That's cool, but we only have two extra rooms, I'm sorry." I shake my hands in front of me and smile.

"No don't worry about it! We'll take what we can get!" And with that they leave. I sigh. Those poor girls...

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