Ransom ~ An Adventure With Sherlock Holmes

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I am back with another book review for you guys.

This time I am reviewing Ransom ~ An Adventure With Sherlock Holmes by xxLunaXLovegoodXX

Ransom ~ An Adventure With Sherlock Holmes.

The blurb for 'Ransom ~ An Adventure With Sherlock Holmes' is:

'After finding herself working for one of London's biggest business men, Jackson Harris, Amelia Winters is hunted down by her worst nightmare; serial killer Sylvester. When things get personal and the people she loves are under threat, with the help of detective Sherlock Holmes will she reveal everything that she kept down to help save their lives, or will she, herself, fall under Sylvester's trap?'


I am really enjoying this story, even though there are only two chapters! I have really enjoyed it so far and I like the back story for Amelia Winters, I think that she has been portrayed very well and I am looking forward to see what will happen next.

I give this book 3 stars out of 5.

The reason it is only 3 stars is because nothing has happened yet, as you are only on the second chapter and I hope that the third chapter will come out soon! I think another improvement that this author could use is to update more frequently! other than that I have enjoyed it so far! I really hope that the author can carry on updating and working at a good standard.


'This is really good and takes me from the word go :D it'll be great when you add more to it overtime x'

'So far so good. :)'

'So good! really descriptive. thought it was jutting pure awesome!'

I have to say that I agree with these reviews! Well done xxLunaXLovegoodXX! :D


Guys, please go read this book... It's Fantastic! :D

So what do you all think? I would like your feedback because I don't really know if that was a good review or not! I hope it was!

If you would like a book review from me on your book, please tell me the name or send me a link and I will try my best! :D

Speak to you later guys. >.<

~ Luna_Skye

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