Chapter 3: Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives, AKA School

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Morning came eventually, and I was awake in my bed. Today, it was Sunday, I had to go to another session, but for a whole entire day. Groaning, I rolled onto the floor of my room and stared up at the ceiling for quite some time, Then, I got up and switched my pajamas into a nice pair of clothes. My favorite (F/C) sweater, a pair of jeans, and a medium sized bow that faded from a yellow to a clean white that was attached to the back of my hair. I headed downstairs to see father on the phone with somebody.

"Uh huh... Okay.." he mumbled into the phone as the paced around the dining room. "Alright, I'll let her know. Thanks, bye." He hung up on whoever was talking to him. Father turned and looked at me, a smile forming on his lips.

"What was that about?" I asked, curiously.

"Your counselor is sick today and there are no volunteers to take her place. You'll have to go another time this week," he informed. I sighed with relief and plopped onto the sofa. "But," he interjected. "You have to stay over at the office for two days instead of one." My eyes shot open.

"Wait, really?" I asked in surprise. "But what about school?" 

"You're going to have to skip it," he responded. Reluctantly, I nodded.


The next day arrived quickly. The counselor was still ill, so I had to go to school.

"See you later, (Y/N)!" father called out to me. I turned at him and waved goodbye as he left. walking into the building, I instantly got pinned to the wall by somebody. Amanda, the school bully, is definitely going to do something to me. I looked away from her cold gaze.

"Hey forgetter," she growled as her silvery blonde hair draped to the side of her cheek. :Got something to give, or did you forget again?"

"Give w-what?" I stuttered. "W-whatever you wanted me to give you isn't here."

"Ha! She did forget!" one of her friends scoffed. 

"Poor (Y/N)..." Amanda teased. "Always so-" She took my head and bashed it against the wall, causing it to only slightly bleed. "FORGETFUL"   Amanda and her friend left me alone, their laughter echoing through my head. I got up and staggered to my coat hook, hanging my backpack and (F/C) backpack. Quickly, I rushed into my classroom and plopped into my seat. 

"Ah, (Y/N), you're tardy," the teacher, Mrs. Megg, reported out loud. The class stared at me, some of them smirking. I slumped down into my seat, wanting to disappear from disappearance. Today was going to be terrible.

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