Chapter 7: Death

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I stared up at Joey and he had stared back at me. 

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" he asked me once again, his voice more serious. Words were stick in my throat as I looked up at his eyes. They were dark, almost lifeless. He stepped towards me, his hands reaching toward me, his hands all red with spatters of black on it and scars that deeply wounded it. I staggered back into the Ink Machine behind me.

"D-don't touch me," I croaked out to him, trying to sound stern. "Leave me a-alone." With a deep chuckle, Joey walked even closer to me with his arms still extended to grab me.

"Sorry, sweets," he chuckled, his voice now getting deeper and far more sinister. "You can't be here." Joey picked me up and I could feel the scars upon my skin through my shirt. Thrashing around in his hands, I desperately tried to pull away from him, but his grip on my sides were too strong. 

"Let go of me!" I screamed, my voice shaking. "P-please!" He threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. A rush of air escaped through my lungs as my stomach slammed into Joey's shoulder. Chuckling, he began walking away from the Ink Machine and somewhere else. I couldn't recognize where we were, so I couldn't figure out where we were heading. Desperate, I slammed onto his back, my hands closed into fists. I pleaded for him to let me down as tears streamed down my cheeks, but he ignored me. Soon enough, I could see where we were going; to the room where Boris was. I could hear Joey unbuckling the belts around Boris's wrists and ankles, throwing him off of the large metal plate he rested in. Suddenly, he threw me onto the large plate and locked my arms in. I screamed as loud as I could, which he also ignored. 

"You have to calm down," he said as he stood up. Just then, he came up to my right ear. "Just sit still, (Y/N)" He then left me alone, my arms bonded to the plate and tears continuously flowing down my cheeks. This wasn't the Joey Drew that I knew five years ago. I paused for a moment, thinking thoroughly. Who was Joey Drew and how did I know him? My heart thumped within my chest as I saw Joey come back with a saw, pliers, and knives. I screamed louder than before.

"LET ME OUT!" I shrieked, thrashing around like a madman.  "STOP, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" He came close, a syringe in hand. 

"Calm down, (Y/N)," he cooed in my ear with a chilling voice. "It'll only be a minute." He stuck the syringe in my neck, which paralyzed everything. I became numb and grew tired. 

"No, no," I thought to myself as I strained myself to stay awake. "This can't happen. I can't die. I just can't..."

It was nothing but darkness afterwards.

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