Chapter 6: Boris and the Ink Machine

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I instantly found myself in front of the cardboard cut out, now remembering new. The cardboard cut out was a friend of mine a long time ago. Seems strange, but I suppose that's what I remember... How did I forget that? 

Walking away, I then found a sight rather disturbing for a ten-year old like me. It was another cartoon character, but it was like a 3-D model. It was strapped to a metal plate with it's chest opened wide, it's organs missing and it's eyes in the shape of x's. I glanced around to fink an ink written message in the wall: "Who's Laughing Now?" I gave a weird and goofy giggle; a stupid way for me to cope with this extremely disturbing room. There was also a poster on the wall that showed a character named Boris the Wolf. The same character that was on the large metal plate.

"You poor thing," I thought as I grabbed a piece of paper and began folding it. "I'll make you something..." I creased the last fold to create an origami rose. The stem was extra long, so I was able to tie it around Boris's wrist. "There you go..." I smiled a bit. I turned and walked away to walk out of the room to explore the building even more.

 It was then when I came across a room that caught my eye. It was apparently labeled "Ink Machine," and so inside of the room was a machine. I went in and observed the fascinating machinery. "This is neat," I mumbled as I tapped my fingernail against the cold metal, causing a Ping! noise. Suddenly, I could hear footsteps behind me. Somebody else was here with me, so I refused to look back. 

"Who are you?" the person asked. "And what are you doing here?"

That voice was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I turned around and glanced up at the tall figure.

Joey Drew.

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