Chapter 19

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Finally finished the most stressful project for school :D NOW!  Time to continue this story :D

Taehyung sat on the floor pouting because they lost the chance to do anything fun that day and it made him sad.  He wanted to show Jungkook all of the fun things here but he ruined a whole day because of a stupid snake.

Now they were back and Jungkook couldn't get Taehyung to stop pouting as he sat in his apartment.

"Please help me...  I tried to explain to him that i'm not disappointed but he won't listen to me."  Jungkook said opening his apartment door.

"Oh, come on Tae."  Hoseok said standing by him and frowning.

"I'm mad."  Taehyung mumbled not bothering to question why his friends are suddenly here.

"Taehyung you can't pout forever."  Jimin said looking at him with a smirk.

"Shut up Jimin."  Taehyung grumbled.

"Watch it."  Yoongi warned putting an arm around Jimin.

"Chill."  Jungkook said sitting next to his boyfriend and hugging him.

"We can always go back?  Now we even have an excuse to go back soon!"  Jungkook said kissing Taehyung's cheek.

"I guess..."  Taehyung said looking at the ground.

"Besides, Crystal invited some of her friends over and I invited ours so why don't we have a fun movithon?"  Jungkook suggested smiling.

"Movies?"  Taehyung asked excitedly.

"Yes."  Hoseok said chuckling.

"So, this is Jackson and this is Jaebum and this is my fiance Mark."  Crystal introduced them.

"Nice to meet you."  Jungkook said smiling.

"If you hurt her again I'll kill you."  Taehyung quietly said to Mark who gulped nodding.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at him before they stopped to decide what to watch.

"Wait so Taehyung was bit by a snake?  What kind?"  Jackson asked seeming interested.

"It was a Viper...  here"  Taehyung said showing him a picture.

Hoseok saw the picture and pale before he fell backwards only for Jaebum to catch him.

"Shit is he okay?"  Jaebum asked holding Hoseok's limp body up.

"Yeah...  I didn't think about him seeing the snake, he is terrified of snakes."  Taehyung said guiltily.

"Well this is off to a great start."  Crystal said laughing slightly.

Everyone chuckled as Jaebum carefully carried Hoseok to the spare room and laid him down.  Jaebum stayed with him and waited for him to wake up sighing.  He slowly looking at Hoseok and saw that his shirt was lifted slightly and you could see his tanned stomach.

Being respectful Jaebum gently lowered his shirt back and tried to hide his blush before taking a deep breath.

(Should I do a chapter that focuses more on side ships?  JhopexJaebum, Namjin, Yoonmin etc????)

After a good 10 minutes Hoseok woke up slowly sitting up.  He saw Jaebum and jumped backwards before laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."  Jaebum said smiling sweetly.

"It's okay I'm just jumpy.  I'm Hoseok...  sorry I freaked out over the picture."  Hoseok said blushing from embarrassment.

"I'm Jaebum and don't worry!  I can't stand spiders so I know how you feel."  Jaebum said smiling.

"They haven't picked a movie and I think Mark and Jackson are still fighting if you want to go and join them before they pick one."  Jaebum suggested standing up.

"Sure."  Hoseok said taking Jaebum's hand and getting up.

They entered the room oblivious to the smirks they were getting by their already formed fanbase.  After an eternity they finally picked a movie and cuddled together on Jungkook's floor.

Namjoon was sitting next to Seokjin who was sitting next to the edge of the couch.  In front of the couch was Taehyung, Jungkook, Crystal and Mark.  Then off the other side of the couch was Jaebum and Hoseok and then actually sitting on the couch was Jimin and Yoongi.

The movie started and everyone was happy and full of life.  By the end of the 4th movie everyone was sound asleep it seemed.  

Seokjin was using Namjoon as a pillow and sleeping comfortably with him.  

Taehyung was sleeping with his head on Jungkook's lap and Jungkook being the only concious person was playing with his hair.

Jaebum fell asleep cuddled with Hoseok as the two held onto each other tightly.

Yoongi fell asleep spooning Jimin who was snuggled into Yoongi's chest.

Crystal fell asleep cuddled against Mark who was holding her protectively.

Jungkook smiled at the room and all the blossoming romances before getting up carefully placing Taehyung's head on a pillow.

It was 3am and Jungkook quietly snuck into the now empty spare room and took a bunch of blankets out.

He draped one blanket over each cuddling pair and stopped at Taehyung.  He gently picked Taehyung up and carried him to his bed.  He tucked Taehyung into bed before kissing his forehead.

He knew that Taehyung easily got back aches so he didn't want the floor to cause him any pain tomorrow.  After all of that he checked on Minguk who was still sleeping before going back to bed himself.

Man I need to go back and finish editing all of these but i'm soooooo lazy XD

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