Chapter 39

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"I suppose you all wonder why I have called you here today." Jimin said smiling like an idiot as he assumed a powerful role.

"Yeah... Why are we here?" Namjoon asked losing control of his members and their insanity.

"Our dear Hoseok was dumped the other day. I did a whole lot of digging and annoyed the living shit out of Jackson and discovered that Jaebum is not taking the breakup well... SO! I have a plan." Jimin said smirking devilishly.

"Ya! Stay out of my life problems." Hoseok complained hiding his face in his hands.

"I do it because I love you." Jimin defended.

"What's the plan?" Jungkook asked hoping he could help poor Hoseok feel better.

"I want to prove to Jaebum that no matter how little the time he has with Hoseok is that he loves him and needs him. SO! I have a friend who agreed to fake date Hoseok in order to show Jaebum what he is missing. They are an idol as well so there can be lots of PDA and stuff that Jaebum will see." Jimin said smiling widely.

"You're insane. Why do you think Jaebum would even care?" Hoseok asked sounding bitter.

"Because Jackson hasn't seen Jaebum leave his room in 4 days and he missed his last Audition for Jellyfish Entertainment." Jimin replied confused as he looked at Hoseok.

Hoseok lost his breath at the thought, Jaebum wanted that audition more than anything... Yet he missed it... Did he really feel that bad?

"I don't care if he throws a pity party he hurt you so I don't like him." Yoongi stated being a protective Grumpy old man.

"Who is your friend?" Hoseok finally asked deciding why the hell not? He wanted Jaebum back.

"He is actually in the group Jaebum would have joined if he left his room... So he wants Jaebum in the group so he agreed to do it. He goes by BamBam." Jimin said causing Taehyung to gasp.

"From Got7? The new group looking for their 7th member? AH THAT'S SO COOL!" Taehyung gushed only to be silenced by Jungkook back hugging him.

"Yeah, so he is coming over tomorrow and you are going to be cute with him and I'm going to take photo's and pretend that i'm being sneaky and post them on twitter and tag GOT7 which means Jaebum will see it for sure." Jimin said proudly.

"You thought of all of this yourself?" Jin asked amused but confused as to why he needed to be here.

"Well, Yoongi came up with it but I took over." Jimin admitted blushing.

"I didn't want to do all the work to put it together." Yoongi admitted shrugging.

"Feeling the love Yoongs." Hoseok said chuckling.

Yoongi nodding before leaving to nap as everyone left to do their own things.

The next day come sooner than Hoseok was prepared for but before he knew it he was sitting on the couch with BamBam awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs.

"Hey, so why did Jaebum say he was breaking up with you?" BamBam asked trying to strike up a conversation.

"Because he didn't like how little we saw each other." Hoseok answered sighing.

"That's dumb... He would have seen you more if he would have came to that Audition. I convinced the Manager that he called and said he came down with something and got it rescheduled but if he doesn't show for the next one I can't keep the spot open any longer." BamBam explained.

Hoseok felt his heart sink. He didn't want Jaebum to give up on his dream out of guilt or worry. He wanted Jaebum to go far even if he wasn't dating him.

"Well let's do this so Jaebum can get his head out of his ass and wake up." Yoongi said sharply from the other side of the room.

BamBam widened his eyes while Hoseok merely rolled his.

"So, what if we just cuddle?" BamBam suggested smiling.

"Sounds good to me." Hoseok said moving and getting closer to BamBam.

Hoseok held BamBam in his arms as he pretended to be focusing on the TV. He had one hand playing with the younger's hair while the other was holding his waist. Hoseok didn't care that BamBam agreed to do this he still felt like it was wrong.

After Jimin got his photo and he and BamBam caught up the other left. Hoseok sat on the couch waiting for something to happen but nothing did...

It had been 3 days and soon Jaebum was going to miss his last chance to audition. Hoseok was pacing the dorm worrying over the other when Jackson called him.

"Hey... I need to ask you a favor." Jackson said awkwardly.

"What is it?" Hoseok asked knowing it had to do with Jaebum or Jackson wouldn't have called.

"Jaebum has been crying for the past hour and he sounds like he is literally choking. Can you just come and maybe talk to him... I don't know what is hurting him so much but I'm scared for him and he won't let me in his room." Jackson explained panicked.

"I'm coming now." Hoseok said without a second glance to the others in the room before he left.

Hoseok stood outside of Jaebum's door and listened to his painful whimpers and sniffles with a sad expression.

Hoseok knocked twice earning a sigh from inside the room.

"Jackson, I told you to leave me alone." Jaebum said his voice weak as he opened the door.

Hoseok felt his soul rip in half at the sight before him while Jaebum crumbled from simply Hoseok.

Jaebum had messy blonde hair that was pushed in every direction. His eyes were watery as tears continued to stream down his red cheeks as his raw lip quivered.

"Don't cry." Hoseok said pulling the other into his arms forcefully yet gently.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so dumb. I.. I'm so stupid." Jaebum cried into Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok slowly sat on the floor keeping Jaebum in his arms allowing the other to calm down before he spoke.

"Why did you miss your audition? That's stupid Jaebum, it's your dream don't give it up just because we broke up." Hoseok said biting back his own tears over the fact they broke up.

"Because I broke up with you out of fear and stupidity instead of being like you and having hope! I regret it so much Hoseok, I hate myself for it... I'm stupid." Jaebum whimpered shaking his head.

"Hey, I think it's good that it happened, because now the distance won't seem as bad. So, Jaebum will you be my boyfriend?" Hoseok asked smiling widely at the other.

"Hoseok.... Yes, oh my god yes and I'm never letting you so tell BamBam to fuck off." Jaebum said pulling the other closer to him.

"Tell him yourself at your Audition that you are indeed going to." Hoseok said kissing the other's forehead.

"I love you." Jaebum said suddenly.

Hoseok blushed before whispering shyly, "I love you too."

Btw this is me new hair (: i like it

ALSO THANK YOU @Hip_Hop_Is_Dead for the idea with Hoseok (:

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ALSO THANK YOU @Hip_Hop_Is_Dead for the idea with Hoseok (:

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