The Explanation

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Morgan explained nothing to me, but he asked me all sorts of questions, most of them I didn't have an answer for. He had changed Rick's bandage, and removed mine, also took my stitches out and gave me some socks. It was now night time.

The house was huge, but being inside for so long, with the windows boarded up, and the door, with curtains and rags covering it, it seemed so small. There were candles lit, but not too many.

"Rick's awake now," said Morgan, coming out of the room he'd placed Rick in, "He'll come out when he's ready. Help Duane set the table."

I hesitated.

This seemed so creepy, like a horror movie. Trapped against my will in a house that's boarded up, with creepy candles and a man that has guns and knives.

The floorboard creaked and I turned and saw Rick coming out, in his shorts and bare feet, with a blanket covering his shoulders and back. He quickly spotted me.

"This place - Fred and Cindy Drake's?" said Rick, looking around the house. It was mostly empty with mattresses on the living room floor, with food and weapons.

"Never met 'em," replied Morgan.

"I've been here. This is their place," said Rick, limping around the candle lit room.

"It was empty when we got 'ere," said Morgan. Rick walked over to the covered window, about to move it, "Don't do that. They'll see the light. There's more of 'em out there than usual. I never should've fired that gun today. Sound draws them, now they're all over the street. Stupid-- using a gun, but it all happened so fast, I didn't think."

"You shot that man today," said Rick. I silently agreed.

"That weren't no man," said Duane.

"The hell was that out your mouth just now?" said Morgan. Duane sighed.

"It wasn't a man," he corrected himself.

"You shot him out front in the street...a man!" argued Rick.

"Friend, you need glasses, it was a walker," said Morgan, confusing me and Rick, "Come on, both y'all, sit down before you fall down."

Morgan served us a large spoonful of food, and I sat down eagerly, seeing as I hadn't eaten since I woke up, and in my sleep for however long that was. Rick did the same.

Duane requested a blessing, but I didn't join in. My family's never been religious, never believed in God. They didn't mind, but Duane did a bit.

"I woke up in the hospital was empty, destroyed, then I heard her calling for help, found her trapped in the toilets. I took her and went to my house -- 'cause that's all I know...couldn't just leave her.." said Rick.

"But you know about the dead people right?" said Morgan.

"We saw a lot of that," I stated. Rick nodded.

"Yeah. Out on the loading dock, piled in trucks..." added Rick, trailing off.

"Nah, not the ones they put down. The one's they didn't. The the one I shot today, 'cause he'd have ripped into you, and the little one. Tried to eat you, taken some flesh at least. Well, I guess this is the first you're hearing it, I know how it must sound...especially to a little girl."

I tried to process this. Dead people eating people? I began breathing heavy, and I felt a panic attack coming on, something that happened when I was scared and/or nervous. Morgan must of recognised the signs because he came to my side and told me to breathe in and out slowly, before giving me a cold drink.

"I think you've heard enough, why don't you go and rest?" said Morgan. I shook my head.

"No..I need to hear," I said. Rick made sure I was OK, before his mind wandered back over to the dead people, but, I don't think they even left his mind.

"They're out there in the street?" asked Rick.

"Yeah. They got more active after dark sometimes, maybe it's the cool air or--hell maybe it's just me for firing that gun today, but we'll be fine as long as we stay quiet. Probably wander off by mornin'...but listen, one thing I do know. Don't you get bit. I saw your bandage, and that's what we were afraid of...also saw Marnie's, but if a walker had bitten her little head she wouldn't be here right now. Bites kill ya. The fever burns you out...but then after a while, you come back." said Morgan.

Morgan set up a bed for me in the same room as theirs. I was exhausted, confused, upset. I didn't know where I was, or if I'd ever see my brothers again. Despite the 'Dixon's don't cry' motto, I cried myself to sleep silently.


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