Sonic X OC -Kenzie- Movie Night

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Kenzie was a modest girl, with short bouncy baby blue hair and twinkling dark blue eyes to match. Kenzie's bubbly speech and pronounced curves could bring any man to their knees. However, Kenzie's voluptuous body and near-perfect hair was snugly wrapped around a certain boy of her choosing: Sonic the Hedgehog. 

With a low-cut shirt and grey sweatpants coupled with Sonic's body heat, Kenzie was quite warm. The usual grey sweatshirt that clung tied to her hips was being worn by the blue blur. The two were stuffing their faces with popcorn and sweets as a movie played. Neither was truly paying attention to the flick.

Sonic found himself playing with tiny locks of Kenzie's hair, mentally counting how many times it rolled between his fingers. Kenzie smiled and swallowed a hunk of popcorn.

"I saw you on TV today." Kenzie's soft voice was almost covered by the protagonist's scream for answers.

"Really? What channel?" Sonic asked, still playing with the soft locks.

"I'm not sure. But we all saw you disarm that bomb." Kenzie sat up straight.

"I kicked it into the ocean." Sonic corrected.

"You still saved the world." Kenzie poked Sonic in his side. He playfully poked back.

"I was only saving you." 

"Me?" Kenzie was thrown off.

The missile in question was on a path for the city, yes, but Kenzie had been far from the expected area. Though if fallout was an issue, there would be no way she'd have escaped it.

"Well, you're my world." Sonic said.

Kenzie put a hand to her chest. How sweet! The warmth in her chest made her smile pucker. She knew he was just making a big ol' goof of himself. She shoved a handful of popcorn into Sonic's grinning face, nearly making him choke.

"Shut up." Kenzie giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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