Chapter 3 - A Surprise Encounter

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Chapter 3 - A Surprise Encounter

Inside the Academy, You, Yukio and Rin looked up to see the amazing sight of the Academy. You let out a squeel out of excitement. Both of the boys looked at you with a surprised face but later on smiled and grinned at you. "Are you excited?" Yukio smiled and looked at you directly in the eye. You smiled in response and tapped Rin's back "Are you excited?!" You showed him a bright smile and he smiled at you as response "Of course. How about you?" He smiled and there you saw his cute fangs.

You stared at his face from his cute smile "Heh.. So cute" You accidentally blurted out. Rin's smile changed into a confused face and there a question mark popped above his head. You covered your mouth due to the realization of your actions. "Did you just say? I'm cute?" He asked with high spirits and with reddish ears. "Don't get your hopes up! I only said that as a joke" You acted like to hide your embarrassment. "Not cute at all" He replied with the sound of 'hmp'. You thought What? I'm not cute? If I'm not cute then why did you call me cute back then? "I know I'm not cute" You said and crossed your arms. "I din't mean it li--" You cutted him off. "I'm fabulous " You said as you smirked at him and continued walking.

"Nii-san... I think my dream will come true" Yukio slipped in and smiled at Rin. Rin smiled and raised his eye brows "Of course you will. You're a genious after all" Rin responded. After you guys eneded your chats Mr. Pheles came in and said as Yukio went to the dorms. "Now are you sure about your decision?" He asked with a serious expression. Rin immediately nodded and asked. "So I'll be doing my best... SO... how do I start?" He asked with a smile on his face placed his hand on his chest. "Of course. Let's start with the basics.... You'll go to cram school. And you too girl" He replied as he looked at the both of you.

"E...EH?!!" You reacted out of surprise. You thought: Why? Why should I also go to a cram school? I have good grades anyway "It's not like a cram school to improve your grades but to train you to be an excorsit" Pheles faced you and it seemed that his expression turned softer to you."Eh? I can't even see demons.. w..WAIT!" You stopped for a moment and looked around you and beside you was a ..... "KYAAAA!!" You shouted as the people around you looked at you and you immediately clinged to Rin. "What the hell is that?!" You looked at the black creature that stared at you. "Ah, you can see demons?" Rin faced you and pointed at you. "I DON"T KNOW IDIOT!" You shouted and buried your face on his chest. "I'm scared" You started shaking because it was staring at you with a dangerous intent.

"Now that you can see demons I guess you're qualified to go to the cram school" Pheles smiled and suddenly turned into a dog. He looked cute actually, he was white and had a scarf but his eyes were just the same as his human form which, made him look cuter. You wondered why you saw them but just letted them go because it would get you to nothing and thought on the positive side. At least I can help Rin out in some ways... by learning and seeing them. You thought to yourself.

At the cram school there you saw seven people in the room excluding you and Rin. "This few?" Rin asked with his jaw dropping. No one responded and both of you silently sat into your seats. It was a complete silence with everyone because no one was talking. Rin pinched your arm and you hit on his arm and there you two startted fighting but was laughing. The fun broke when the teacher came inside the room.

"Good Moring everyone, I will be your teacher and homeroom / advicer. And my name is....

Yukio Okumura"

A/N: hehe... It's short but yea.... I told you guys that from today on the update would be longer but the chapters would be longer. Anyways thanks for supporting this book.. AND THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES AND READS




Honestly I never thought that it would get reads this fast,... THANK YOU VERY MUCH! xoxo

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