Chapter 5 - You Changed

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Chapter 5 - You Changed


Everything didn't make sense at the moment. You didn't understand, why? How? When? Was is Yukio acting like a completely different person?

"It maybe true that we did not experience those horrific sights and experiences you did, but one thing is for sure, it wasn't Rin's fault that pops died. He protected him for a reason, no the both of you."  Without knowing, tears wete falling unto the ground. You called the old man pops. Both of you were really close, he was like a father to you since your parents would always go home late. So when your parents were away, you would always spend your time at the Okumura house. You were happy to offer help at the Family. It felt more family like than with your biological patents since they would hardly come home.

The family that you grew up wasn't that warm. Your mother would always go out of the house and attend meetings about her acting career and photoshoots. While your father would rather travel around the world and have fun which was part of his job since he was host in a TV show that was about traveling and was an actor. People would always say that your parents are amazing and that you were so lucky that you were their child. Your mother was a supermodel that is amazingly beautiful and hasn't aged a day. Your father was a famous actor and host around the world. They actually met because they had a leading and lover roles in a famous movie.

You actually hated their job and wished that they would their career would get ruined or just retire. You didn't really care if you guys weren't that rich, as long as you get to bond as a family you would be overjoyed. The last thing that you remembered that the three of you had or did together was your 7th birthday. However, your parents were nice and genorous to you. Your dad would package and deliver imported products to you. While your mom would buy you beauty related products. But that didn't change the fact that you were lonely. Of course, since your parents are gorgeous, as expected of people you would also be beautiful. Which you are, but you were different from your mother. You were humble and your simplicity would make you stand out from the rest. Even if your parents were that generous to you, they could never find time for you. You once thought that maybe they just didn't want to spend time with you.

You believed in the saying If a person wants it, they'll always find a way to get it and sometimes you asked yourself. 'Whats the use of parents that can buy you anything if they can't even find a way to spend little time with their child?'

The Okumura family was your real family for you and the words that you heard was just dreadful to the ears. Blamming another family member for the cause of ones death is not a solution for you.

You looked at Yukio with a pained expression, you tried to laugh but as you did the more of the tears fell. Your face seemed to itch for an explanation and also in disbelief.

"Aren't we a family?" You cried as the goblins started to lessen and the aura started to calm down. It pained you say family because you did not understand anything anymore. "I never knew that you were actually this kind of person.....

I hate you" It pained you to say those words, but it was true. He wasn't the Yukio that you knew. The one that you knew was the kind and gentle Yukio that would never have such cold attitude towards others. And especially to his brother. You stormed out of the room and there followed Rin.

In the cold hallways, only the sound that were hearable was your loud steps and Rin's. As you were walking, you were also wiping the tears that seemed like sweat around your cheeks.
"Hey, don't do that. It'll ruin your face"

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