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The alarm blares rather loudly in the morning, disturbing my sleep. Also making me stop abruptly in my sweetest dream. Swinging my hands out from duvet, I slam it down to the source of the loud blaring noise before I once again meet the silence of my room. Sighing heavily, I begin to rub the sleepiness off my eyes with my fists before I slowly open my dark grey eyes with specks of emerald green. I stares blankly to the ceiling above me, before another sigh escape from my lips. Sitting up on my bed, I kick my legs out from my bed before slipping my fuzzy slippers on. Slowly I get up from my bed and do light stretch up as I stand on my two feet before I make my way to the connected bathroom in my room. Flicking the switch on, I head straight to the sink and scratch my itchy scalp on the way there, before look at myself in the mirror mounted on the wall. I have big, black eyebags hanging underneath my eyes and it doesn't look that good at all. My hair are all over the place, also looks so unhealthy and oily. Turning the tap, I begin to splash my face with some cold, tap water to freshen myself up. I begin to brush my teeth before I could wash my face, then go on with my morning routine on getting ready to school, today. 

It takes me about 15 minutes, when I'm all done showering and cleaning up. I feel all freshen up in my bathrobe before I walk to my closet, next door. Flicking the switch on once again, I walk into the room and brush my hand to my tops in the closet, humming a little. I begin to pick an outfit for today, but before I could even slip them on, I quickly put on the matching set of my black Calvin Klein undergarments. It takes me about 10 minutes to get ready, since I have to do my light makeup and do my hair. Before I leave the closet, I look at myself for the very last time at the full-length mirror. I have super skinny fit black ripped jeans and white tees tuck in, red plain shirt hovering outside. My hair are being left down to dry naturally and I end my outfit with a pair of brown Timberland boots. I look really good, maybe because the cover of my makeup from my real look. Shrugging a little, I smile in satisfactory before exit the room, flicking off the light.  Heading to my studytable, I get my backpack and purse, then I head to my nightstand to grab my black matte iPhone 7 Plus and the earphones from the nightstand. Once I've gotten everything I need, I finally head out from my bedroom. 

At the right timing as I open the door of my room, I find Luke already standing outside my room, ready to knock on my door to call me for breakfast. I smile at my youngest brother, before greeting him warmly. Luke grins widely and hug me, as daily basis before greeting back. Hugging him back too, we both soon to pull away and I exit my room, shutting the door behind. We both head downstairs for breakfast with our family in the dining room. I know that I'm adopted in the family, but I don't mind about it at all 'cause they're everything to me and I'm everything to them, too. Plus, they've been taken care of me for the longest I've known. I don't even remembered how my real, biological parents looks like, neither to any of my relatives. I still remember the last visit from my social worker to check on me. She once asked me about my past and I barely remembered anything, but the family I'm currently have now. As I enter the kitchen with Luke, we both soon to greets warmly to our family that's enjoying themselves with their breakfasts. Mum and Dad look at us with soft smile, greeting us back while Logan, North and Saint ignores us both completely as they're too busy enjoying their foods. Luke and I find our places at the table, before Mum serves us our breakfasts with quick kisses at the top of our heads. Logan and North maybe the oldest and second older, they still act like immature kids while I acts more mature than they are. 

Luke and I thanks Mum before we digs in to our cereals, happily. It takes us about 15 minutes to have them finish, before I bring the bowls to the sink for Luke too. He thanks me, before drink his orange juice that Mum pour into his glass, earlier. As I make my way back to the dining table, I manage to grab our lunches along from the counter island before passes them out to my siblings. They thanks me and I nods, drinking away my orange juice before I keep my lunch into my backpack. Logan, North and I are currently studying in high school nearby our house, while Luke and Saint goes to the middle school that's 10 minutes away from our high school. Logan and North supposed to be senior this year, but they get held back 2 grades below me, as they haven't successfully fulfilled the gpa to go to the next grade. Instead of them being the senior at our high school, I'm their senior. Mum and Dad are bit disappointed, but not much now 'cause they finally understands the reason why they couldn't passed. Looking at the clock in the room, I decide to get going now. Informing Luke and Saint, I get up from my seat and bids my older siblings goodbye, also to my parents too. I make sure to give them soft kisses to their foreheads and tell them my daily I love you's before I leave the room. As I walk down the hallway to the front, I walk past the living room before I reach the front hall where front door is at. 

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