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I've been staying at the hospital for couple of days, just to be sure that I'm well enough to be release back home. I've ran few tests, too and few scans before Dr Adams gave me and my family final results about my condition. Mum and Dad couldn't be more relieved to know about my condition now. My siblings looks relieved too. Also, Uncle Thor had been keeping his promises by coming to visit me for as long as I'm still in the hospital. He sometimes brought me some chocolates or gifts. Mum kept me company too, well more to like watching me and him like a damn hawk. Now that I'm out from the hospital and back to school, I can't help to feel normal once again. Normal as I able to be in the society without much of trouble from my past that still haunting me, today.

No matter how many times Uncle Thor explained to me about my past, I still can't get my head into them. I feel super opposite with what he had told me about. My family have the hard time to accept the fact that Uncle Thor is actually my relative, my alive ones. Also, the man that he told me about that I talked to in the mirror, my father, haven't show up anymore. I guess he knows that I'm gonna flip off about the mark he left on my left forearm. Well, hell yeah! It hurts like heck!

"Earth to Brooklyn! Hey, girl! Are you alright? You seem to be deep in your own world?", say Gardner.

Chelsea already look at me with the same looks that Gardner that has on his face. That concern looks. I almost groans boredly at that looks, but I quickly shrugs them off. Assuring that I'm fine, my respond never seems to strong enough to convince them that I'm actually fine. As we walk down the hallway to our next second last class, Calculus BC, I stop abruptly as my eyes stares blankly to the familiar man, standing in the hallway that's already looking to our directions. That green-eyed man with long brunette hair and dressed in somewhat a royal outfit. MY FATHER! My eyes widen at the sight of him, standing so mighty just like my Uncle Thor back at house, during the invasion from the SHIELDS and his team, Avengers.

Fear creep up in my veins, but instead of showing them to him, I goes on protective mode as my friends are with me. Gardner and Chelsea already asking me what's wrong and what's going on, but my gazes only train to the only man that I don't even sure to call what. That I don't even know who is he, to my life. He have somewhat a creepy smile creeping up to his face which makes my skin crawls even more, but I hide them from his sights.

"Chelsea, Gardner, I need you to go right now! I'll meet you at the
class, but for now you, I need you to run for your lives! RUN!?", I shouts at the end.

They both startles, but looking at my face, they instantly nods and begin to run, just like I tell them too. I just watch them running down the hallway we walked in, earlier before they both disappears from my sights. Slowly, I turn around to face the man that brings terror, anger and confusion, at the same time to my life.

"Hello, darling.", he starts.

I almost cringe at the nickname as I'm not used with it, especially with him. He look at me, rather shock, hurt but quickly covers it with fake smile. He take small step, at a time towards me but I just remain still at my ground. My eyes still lock with his emerald green ones, reminding me of Harry's eyes but his eyes holds nothing but dark emotions besides the happiness that he currently looking at now.

"How are you, my dear?", he ask.

Pursing my lips, I nods but my right hand subconsciously moves to my left sleeve, tugging at the forearm. I could feel his eyes on my hands, before it locks back with my hard, dark, stormy grey ones.

"I don't know. Good, I guess.", I shrugs.

I know that he can read my mind, but I just act like I don't. He's a God, for Pete's sake. A mischief ones, to be precise. He look at me with sad smile, before shake his head slowly to me. Within a blink of an eye, he's already standing in front of me, so close but there's still spaces separating both of us from having a complete contact. His right hand already moving towards my face, wanting to touch it and I never move my face away, but instead, he stop himself from doing so. He look at me, guilts are all over his face before he pull another weak smile to his face.

"I'm sorry, but you looked just like your late mother, dear. I know it's gonna be a lot to take-in, but you'll get through it someday and I'll be by your side all the time. I'm sorry that I wasn't you while you were growing up to be such a beautiful, fine, smart, sophisticated, mature girl but I did watched you growing up from far away. From my cell. I could never been so happy to watch you being so happy with your family, even when you knew that they weren't your real ones.", he mutters.

His hand drop to his side, almost quickly. His face shade with nothing but sadness, sorrow. Now, this time I'm the one who starts to feel bad for him. I wanted to say something but he beat me to that.

"I-I've promised your mother that I'll take care of you with my whole life, but instead I left you to be in someone else's care. I-I'm so sorry, my child. My fault that I teleported you to the Earth. To the orphanage centre. But I did it to saved your life. I did it, so that you'll have the chance to live your life. You have the longest journey that you need to go through and I can't let anyone, anyone at all, to take that away from you. You deserved them, just like your late mother.", his voice goes shakier, at time.

His words fill my head, my mind begin to open somewhat my deepest memories that still blurry to me. I need something more to make this vision clearer. Words only help partial of it, but places might help. Views, or anything that I might have been to before I was given away to the orphanage. I'm about to say something, when out of nowhere a hammer fly right beside me and hit straight to my father's stomach, throwing him almost end of this hallway. I get extremely shock and taken back at the action, but before I realise anything, Uncle Thor already standing next to me, looking all concern.

"Brooklyn, are you alright?! Did he do anything to you?! Did he hurt you anywhere? Tell me! Speak up!", he ask, well more to like demanding.

For being far too shock of what just happened, the sudden rush of anger begin to flows and its seething inside me, like volcano about to erupts. Before I know, he already gasp and tell me that my eyes changes it colour to vibrant red ones wth gold specks. I feel nothing but hot. I see nothing but red. RED of anger. RED of wrath. The next thing happen is something more unexpected. I grab him by the neck, squeezing it tightly before throw him down to the hallway floor. The floor tiles cracks to many pieces, but I never bother about them. I keep squeezing his neck, choking him and I watch him struggling under my hold to get some air to breathes. I keep glaring straight into his blue eyes, growling a little. 

"You will not disrespect my father, like that! You will not treat him like so, 'cause he's still my father! You will not touch him 'til I say so! Do you get me?!", I grits each words out to his face, sounding angrier than I actually am.

I could feel my teeth about to break into pieces, due to strength of my clenches, but I careless about them. Raising my free hand, I motion the hammer to get here and surprisingly, it comes to me. Straight into my hand, into my hold. Wrapping my hand tightly in the handle, I pull somewhat a smirk, unreadable smirk on my face flashing to my uncle on the ground.

"Such a nice hammer, but used wrongly. Such a waste, don't you think?", I ask, smirking still.

I could feel the darkness that have been staying at pit of my heart slowly consuming me, but still under control. I'm about to hit him with the hammer, when out of nowhere something hits me as it's being shoot from god knows where and by whom. I get thrown away in the hallway couple feet away from Uncle Thor, but soon to fall into my deepest darkness as I've been using too much of my energy in my power usage.


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