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It's been couple of days since the incident that happened back at my school. The incident where I met my biological Dad and almost killed my own uncle, at the very same day. I couldn't be more thankful for my parents to let me take couple days-off from school, since they know how hectic my life have become. With the new discovery of my biological family still alive. I've also spent for straight 2 days in my room, not coming out at all from the room even to eat and drink. Mum would asks a maiden to send my meal, to my bedroom knowing that I'd still lock myself up in my room. Even worse, the mark on my hand is only getting far more painful than last time which is getting really irritating for me to bear. Sometimes, I couldn't get enough sleep for that matter and it's seriously bothering me a lot. Soon, a knock snaps me out from my trance and I quickly look at the door, to see Dad standing by the doorway with a tray of food in his right hand. 

"Hey, baby.", says Dad. 

I could only flash him weak smile, slowly sit up on the bed as I watch him walking to the lounge. He sets the tray on the coffee table, brushing his hands a little before looking at me with warm smile. He slowly makes his way to me, taking a seat by the edge of my bed before sighing a little. 

"Brook, honey. I know that you're going through quite lots of things, right now and I know that you're feeling bothered and have quite a mess inside your head.", Dad stops. 

I can't help with the frown as I look at him, when I know that he has more words to say than just that. As I turn around to face him, I can't help to find him looking rather scared and heartbroken. Just as I'm about to open my mouth, he instantly breaks into sob which startles me a lot. 

"Dad!", I shriek, a little. 

He cries and cries with his heart out, making me feel even awful as I watch how broken he has gotten. I quickly scoot closer to him, hugging him tightly which he is more than glad in accepting them. He hugs me back tighter, planting his face into my hair while curling a fist at the back of my tees, tightly. Rocking us both a little, we just stay in the embrace for a little while 'til Dad is fully calm down, sniffling bit. I could feel heart only breaking even more as I know that Dad, the strongest and people who's hard to show his emotion, is currently at one of his weakest points. 

"B-Baby, I-I know that you've f-found y-your b-biological f-family b-but I-I'm not ready to let you go! I-I'm not strong e-enough to l-let you g-go. I-I've loved you s-since y-you were a -l-little girl a-and always will. I-I know that i-it's going to b-be hard for you t-to d-decide b-but I-I don't want you to leave.", sniffles Dad. 

I pull away and look at him, smiling weakly at him. Shaking my head, I quickly press a firm kiss to his cheeks and forehead before hugging him once more, planting my face into his neck. Sighing heavily, I just stay in the embrace with Dad still keeping me safe and tight in his embrace. 

"I-I don't want to leave, a-as well, D-Dad. I-I don't. T-This is my family. This is my family and a-always will. I-I'm not leaving this family, I-I promise.", I tell. 

Dad only tighten his hold around me, thanking me in hush before planting soft kisses to my face. We just stay in the embrace for good couple minutes more, before Dad finally pull away from me, looking at me with warm smile. Cupping my face gently, he stroke his thumb against my cheek before humming a little. 

"You're one of the best things ever happened in my whole life and I-I can't thank you enough for that. Y-You're one of my greatest jewel in my possession, my rarest gem. I love you, baby. I love you so much! We all do!", tells Dad. 

Smiling, I nod before thanking him. We talk for a little, before Dad decides to let me rest and eat my lunch while he head downstairs to meet Mum and the rest of our family. He makes sure to leave a firm, soft kiss against my forehead before taking his leave from my room. Once the door clicks shut, I instantly let out my breathe that I've been holding back before sighing heavily, next. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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