*3* Call 911, Blue has a fever.... Pic. of Adam- Edited

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This chapter I'm dedicating to Purplepolarbear123 for becoming my first fan, I'm really happy about this. When I first started to write the story I didn't hade he intention to drop it on watt pad, but than my friends told me it would me a good idea to do it. So here I am already finished my third chapter. Thank you for reading my story and excuse me for any grammar errors.

Enjoy reading

Xxxx Flowergirly

*3* Call 911, Blue has a fever....

I woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face, I knew immediately were I was. God it felt great to be back! quickly i got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Every Sunday we had pancakes as breakfast so I thought yesterday night, I would get the breakfast ready today before the boys woke up. I dried my hair and pulled a pair of blue skinny jeans from my closet with a yellow shirt with all kinds of flowers prints on it in all different colors and matching flats.

Quietly I walked down the hallway and down the stairs. Passing the living room my eyes landed on the mess they made there. I rolled my eyes at that, of course they didn't learn to tidy gaming , jeez is it that hard to put those things back where they belong?

After I finished cleaning the living room I looked around, this room doesn't look happy, like something is missing, Aaaahhh of course, before I left to the camp I used to bring flowers to perk up the room, the guys always laughed at me for my habit but I knew those losers liked it too.

So i went to the garden to pick some flowers, that if they didn't killed my baby's.

I went to the garden through de backdoor in the kitchen, I knew we had all kinds of flowers at the edge of the lake so I went straight to the lake. I loved the quite mornings around the lake. I had this habit to walk around it before everyone got up, it was so calming.

Kneeling down next to the gazebo I noticed something on the edge of the step... it looked like a.. omg. I stretched my arm to pick the black piece of .... panties???

Omg, ieuuuuwwwwww. I let it fall back and waved my hand in disgust. Ohh my god they did the nasty in here???? Ieuuuwww, so what, a massive house is not roomy enough? Ugghhhh mental images.....

Quickly I picked my flowers and went back to the kitchen but not before i took the panty with me. I arranged the flowers in a vase and put it on the salon table in the living room. I heard noises from upstairs and figured someone got up so I hurried back to the kitchen to start cooking.

I quickly took my apron from de cabinet, got all the ingredients I needed and started with de batter.

After 30 minutes I had a plate full of pancakes, I turned the stove off and started to cover the bar. I got everything we all liked the most, things like strawberry's, honey, caramel syrup and the disgusting peanut butter with banana's ( this is something Cole likes to put on his pancakes, ieuuuuw if you ask me)

''You know, that apron looks much better on you than on Cole '' I flinched and turned around. Luke was leaning against the kitchen door. '' Oh my god Luke, you scared the hell out of me ''

'' Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. '' Laughing he walked to the bar and took his usual place. ''Thx, did Cole really ware this?'' I pointed to my appron.

'' Yeah, since you left Cole took your role and started to cook the pancakes on Sunday's , only his pancakes nevr tasted as good as yours '' He looked hungry at the pancakes.

I felt really guilty for leaving them. Luke must have noticed my expression because he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. '' Hey don't be sad , we know why you left, we are not angry. Forget the past and embrase the future'' He kissed my cheek and squeezed my shoulders lightly. Man, where did I deserved this awesome sweethearts. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. '' Thank you Luke, you don't have any idea how much those words mean to me''

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