Dreams: 3/26/12

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This was a six minute dream so it might not make sense. I was in the car on my way to school. I was super tired and was listening to some song that I can't remember the name of. I'm actually not sure if it was a real song. Anyway I then ended up doing some really cool thing, like the windshield of the car was some awesome touch screen thing. Then because of the song I started to doze off. My aunt yelled at me telling me to never listen to that song because it will make you fall asleep. After telling me that I turned off the radio or something. The next thing I know I like jumped up thinking that I over slept cause in the dream all the clocks were messed up. Anyway after that I was freaked out so I got ready for school in like five minutes. The part where I freaked out that part was real life; not the dream.

Wow that was a really long dream for six minutes O_O

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