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Okay so since I was gone for a couple of days and I couldn't record any of my dreams, this chapter will be a collection of old dreams I've had.  I'm sorry if they're short, but I thought this would be better than nothing.


I was at a party with a ton of celebrities.  I was talking with Emma Roberts about something when the floor started to shake, kind of like an earthquake I guess you could say.  Then a T-rex comes bursting through one of the walls.  Everyone in the room started freaking out.  It had been chasing some guy celebrity, I can't really remember who but I want to say it might have been Justin Timberlake.  I had been hiding somewhere but moved something and it broke by accident.  So because of that the dinosaur set its sights on me.  I started running as fast as I could.  Next thing I know it's almost the exact same scene from Meet The Robinsons where the dino is trying to get to the little blond boy, but his arms are to small.  I end up going up to the dino and start scratching it like it's a dog.  That's all I can remember for that one.


 In the house that I used to live in I was running around and when I went up the stairs I found a bee hive.  Not only that but my sister was up there too, kicking the bee hive.  When she's done kicking and pretty much beating the beehive to death she runs down the staris.  The bees come out as pissed as fuck, of course thinking I was the one who was doing all of that to their hive.  I run into my room, lock my door, and go stand on the other side of the room where the window is.  The bees somehow manage to knock down my door.  When they see me they zero in and fly at me, but of course that's where my dream ends, so I don't know if I died or not....


I was at some old ladies house, who was supposedly babysitting me.  There was a knock at the door.  Of course I found this weird though because it was pouring rain outside.  The lady who's baby sitting me (let's call her Mary), so Mary tells me to hide in the bathroom and to not come out until she comes to get me.  I hear the door open then hear a scream.  I peek out a crack in the door and see the man stick a butcher's knife into Mary's head.  However she doesn't die.  Then she takes a butcher's knife and sticks in into his head.  This goes on for a while until both of them fall to the floor, dead.  This was one of the scariest nightmares I had ever had, but now I just kind of laugh at it.

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