Dreams: 4/7/12

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I was at some place.  There were a few girls and a few boys.  We always seemed to be in the pool for some reason.  There was one girl who was always picked on, and I'm sorta ashamed to say I was the one to usually trick into stuff.  The girls weren't anybody I knew but some of the guys were people I knew from summer camp or like famous guys around my age i think.  Now that I think about it, the place was kind of like a summer camp.  It was also kind of like this own little too.  Also the girls were like mermaids with the tail and all, but when we were on land we were really hot girls, but I mean we were hot as mermaids too of course.  The guys were kind of the same but they always looked human.  Hey were also hot too.  That's pretty much everything about my dream.

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