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"Oh, Maren Tamaki Mikage, your father and I used to be such good friends 400 years ago. Then he decided to fall in love with a measly human and she died, and now he fell in love with your mother." Akura-ou says as he lifts his axe onto his shoulder and I struggled to stand up then fell back down.

"And now, you're his first blood-born daughter. You're nothing more to him than a student, Maren." Akura-ou says and I gritted my teeth together.

"Shut up, you ignorant yōkai----" I say as I began to swing my fist, but he already had his fist to my chin and I flew backwards.

"Don't disrespect a king, Maren. Believe of what I say. Your father doesn't think about what you do and only wants you to succeed as the strongest person in the world. He's told lies to you, Maren." Akura-ou says and he held his hand out to me.

"Join me. And I will show you how to be the strongest person in the world and we can get revenge on your lying parents." Akura-ou says and I looked up at him and glared at his evil orbs.

"In your dreams, Akura-ou. I would never betray my family for you." I say as I stand up and stared at him.

"You shouldn't be betraying your fiancé or daughter either, Akura-ou." I tell him and he sighs then clicks his tongue.

"Oh, well." He says then he pulls a dagger out from his belt.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but I guess I have to choice to since you refuse to join me." He says then he lifted up his hand and smirks evilly at me.

"Goodbye, Maren Mikage." He farewells then he throws it and I close my eyes as I trembled.

"MAREN!!!" I hear Alden shout then I looked up and saw him running towards me then stood in front of me.

"ALDEN!!!" I yell as the dagger hits Alden's chest and he took a step back.

"NO!!!!" I scream as Akura-ou ripped the weapon out of Alden's heart and he stood up then turned around to face me.

"Alden...." I say as he walks towards me with a smile on his face then fell to his knees in front of me.

"I love you, Maren...." He says then his body slowly disappears into particles as I jumped towards him and wrapped my arms around him, but all I could grab were his blood drenched clothes.

"Koujou, please wake up!" I beg and Koujou groans.

"Five more minutes." He says then I pinch his cheek and he opens his eyes.

"Wake up, bastard!" I command then he groans and sat up.

"Did I die?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, after you died, your body started coming back together." I answer then I sat on my knees and started punching his shoulder nonstop.

"Before you died, you could've at least told me that you would come back to life!" I tell him.

"Sorry! I didn't know Progenitors could do that!" He exclaims.

"Don't you forget, stupid! I originally came here to kill you!" I exclaim and his eyes widened as I wiped mine.

"I don't want to lose anyone else in my life!" I exclaim and more tears fell down my cheeks.

"Do you have any idea how many people would miss you than me?!" I ask him and Koujou gave me a face of sympathy.

"Maren..." He says then he tries to stand up then he trips over his hand. He then falls towards me and I fall back and he lands on top of me.

"Koujou, what are you doing?" I ask him.

"Sorry, I guess that's an aftereffect of dying." He lies and I raised an eyebrow at him.

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