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"NANA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I ask Nana as I ran out onto the roof and Koujou's vampric urges happened and my eyes widened and Nana was on the ground struggling to breathe.

"KOUJOU, YOU IDIOT!!!" I yell then his power got too strong that Asagi was thrown into the wall then I pulled out my sword and started running at Koujou.

"I, Daughter of Melody Ittoki and Tomoe the Fox Familiar, smite the evil that is living!" I say as I barreled towards Koujou and stabbed the ground by his feet and his power had ended. Koujou then fell to his knees and his eyes widened as Nana began to sit up.

"Nana!" I call out as I ran over to her and she looked at me as I helped her up.

"Lady Maren..." She says and I helped her up then Mitsuru ran out onto the roof.

"Nana, what the hell were you thinking?!" Mitsuru asks her as he ran towards her and stood by her and I.

"Koujou, what happened before I came up here?" I ask him.

"Well, uh, your 'cousin' here decided to----" Koujou began to say then Nana ran in front of Koujou with her sword in hand.

"Lady Maren, this pervert was going to do indescribable things to you----" She began to say then I popped her in the back of her head.

"Nana, did you forget who I am? I am the strongest person in the Earth. If he wants to do disgusting things to me, then I will defend myself. I don't know what orders my parents or Mizuki gave you, but you and Mitsuru do not need to protect me." I tell her then I look at her and Koujou.

"You two will think about what you have both done. I will take Asagi to the nurse's office and have Astarte take care of her." I tell them then my sword disappeared as I walked over to Asagi and picked her up then carried her to the nurse's office then Nagisa ran in.

"Medical checkup completed. Diagnosis: mild shock symptoms. No after-effects are expected. However, it is recommended that she spend the remainder of the day resting." Astarte says and I sigh in relief.

"Alright." I say.

"Anyway, Maren-san! Look, a maid!" Nagisa exclaims and her and I look at Astarte.

"I've never seen a real maid before!" Nagisa exclaims then she started asking a bunch of questions.

"Nagisa, I do not know her." I tell her.

"However, I did get a rock propelled into my shoulder. Hurts like hell, that's for sure." I say then I took off my jacket and a little hole was in my shoulder with a bruise around it with blood coming down.

"Maren-san, does it hurt?!" Nagisa asks and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not really. Feels like a bug bite, sort of." I answer then Asagi began to sit up from the nurse bed.

"Huh? Where...." Asagi began to ask.

"Asagi-chan! You're awake? Do you recognize me? How many fingers am I holding up? Are you in pain at all? Did Koujou-kun do anything to you?" Nagisa asks.

"That kind of interrogation isn't fun to wake up to..." Asagi comments.

"What happened, exactly?" Asagi asks.

"Apparently, the ductwork on the roof broke." Nagisa answers.

"The ductwork? Now that you mention it, I did hear a really shrill noise...But I also remember Koujou and a girl, that kind of looked like Maren but with green eyes, with some kind of blade..." Asagi says and I gave her a soft smile.

"Don't worry about it, Asagi. I took care of it. That girl that kinda looked like me was my, not blood-born but her dad is like family to me, cousin, Nana." I explain.

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