Chapter 2

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Aura key in picture above :)

"You okay, love?"

His head tilted in concern.  He had to look down at me slightly.

I blink my eyes, still seeing so color, no aura. Then I blink my eyes a couple times, my eyebrows raising and my face making a confused expression.

Did he just call me 'love'?

"Um, yeah.  I'm fine.  Sorry."  I say, quickly walking away from him before he could say anything else.

Why does he have no aura?

Is he a ghost?

He can't be a ghost, the freaking teacher saw him and I swear I saw Ivy and Azura drooling over him.


I grumble, fiddling with the lock on my locker, opening it and shoving books carelessly inside.

I close it, just to get met by Laurnace.  I jump a little bit.  "Geez, you scared me,"

"Garroth was in your last class."

"I know.  Every girl was making a pool of drool on their desks over him."

"You don't think he's cute?"

"No, Laurance.  He's cute but I can't believe girls swoon over him just like that."

He chuckled dryly.  "Yeah, speak for yourself.  You were totally drooling over him when you bumped into him."

"That's not my fault, he called me 'love' and I wasn't expecting that! Boys don't talk all gentlemen-y to us!"

His aura, changing a different amount of colors. From pink to green to a little bit of black. "Well, you know I like you, but when it comes to Garroth, I don't think I can compete."


"Aph, you're so awkward.  It's cool you know, the entire school knows it."

I look at him in disbelief.

"I could literally shout 'I love Aphmau Phoenix' at the top of my lungs and they would all shout 'We know!' Back."

I laughed a little.  "Well, I have to get to class.  I'll see you at lunch."

He nods, waving and walking away.  I walk to my English class, seeing Katelyn there.

I smile and wave, taking a seat next to her. Her aura going more green instead of white and baby blue.  Something made her happier. 

And then he walks in again.

The colorless boy.

I still rub my eyes. I look at him again and he glances at me for a little before takin a seat somewhere behind me. There really hasn't been a person that I can't read.

There has never been a colorless person before.  For a moment I thought that something was wrong with me.  But what could possibly be?

Our English teacher walks in, Mrs. Donna O'Brian. She smiles at us, something genuine which you don't see all the other teachers do.

She began talking, but I didn't like English that much so I kind of just zoned out.

I stare down at the black and white notebook, seeing that notes that I took down.

I tap my pen against my lip, then looking back at the supposed to be 'superhotsmokingsexyblondebritishboy'. Though, is dint really see the blonde part.

His hair was a light shade of gray, probably meaning that his hair was indeed blonde. He was just so fascinating to look at.

And it wasn't just the loose curls that poked it from the rest of his well did, suave hair, or the perfect bone structure and those light eyes (which were supposedly a clear blue), the way he talks--

Something that scares me a little bit is that I will never know what he's feeling.

And I know how everyone is feeling. I can see the auras, they can't lie to me about it.

And not being certain about how he's feeling;

It scares me the slightest bit.

I guess I looked for too long because he caught me, or eyes glancing back at each other's for a split second. I quickly turn around and start to copy the board, which was filled with writing onto my notebook.

I suddenly look to my right, Katelyn already giving me the 'Icantbelieveyoureintothenewboy' smirk as she looks at me, smiling and shaking her head.

I roll my eyes in return as she mouths 'you like him?' And tilts her head.

I shake my head, almost rapidly. We then start to talk using hand motions and passing notes. The teacher I guess was pretty much done with the lessen which was weird, we had fifteen minutes of class left.

Me, Katelyn and the rest of the class started to go off with a quiet chatter, making sure that the teacher wouldn't give us any warnings.

"You don't think he's cute?"

Me and Katelyn were both leaned over, more towards each other, trying to prevent people from hearing our conversation.

"I said I didn't like him, not that he's not cute!" I whisper shout back.

"It's only two weeks into the school year."

"What's that supposed to mean?"  I raise my brow, giving her a look.

"None of the dances have happened yet."

"And? I don't go to any of them anyway,"

Katelyn laughed a bit, "You only go unless I drag you along."

"I already see Azura and Ivy talking about how 'dreamy' he is, ugh."

"Someone's jealous?"

I gasp, lightly slapping her on the shoulder, her aura still glowing a nice bright green.  Still happy.

Me and Katelyn talk more and more, the bell rings excusing the people to their next period.

That whizzed by, then there's lunch.

Colors [Garmau AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora