Chapter 5

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"A house party?" I ask, my eyebrows raised at the thought. "Really, Lucinda?"

"C'mon Aph! Literally everyone is going to be there." She exaggerated, snapping her hand back with a little bit of attitude. Her aura was still a bright green which was good. Though, sometimes it did concern me when I saw any blue around Lucinda.

"Have you met her mother? She can't even check the mail without being questioned. How do you expect her to go to a house party?!"

I nod, pointing my pen toward Katelyn and in agreement, watching her colors change from mostly white, to green again. "Thank you, Katelyn. There's no way I'll be able to go, sorry Lucinda."

She looks at me sympathetically, patting my shoulder, "Don't sweat it, but if there's some miraculous way that you can make it, I'll be there." Then she walked off.


I held my books a little bit closer, feeling a little bummed that I couldn't go. I mean, one party wouldn't hurt right? I shake my head, opening my locker when Katelyn pulls me out of my thoughts.

"As much as I understand your situation," she started, lingering next to my locker, as if she was trying to convince me to do something. "You should at least try to go."

I groan.  "Don't tell me, you're going too?"

She raises her hands in defeat, "Sorry Aph,"

"Maybe I should just try then,"

Katelyn smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Or maybe your mom will be out and you can go. It's Friday after all! But I have to get to class. Text me."


I saw Garroth, but I didn't ask him if he was going, and he didn't ask me if I was going either. I just assumed he did, I mean he's still the biggest talk I school, which is surprising. He's been here for over a month, so you would think people have adjusted to him being here.

I notice that there's a lot of tired, yet exited auras going around, probably because of the party.

The drive home a fairly quick, pulling into the driveway, and going into the house. "Hey mom!"

"Hey sweetie, how was school?"

"It was fine." I answer in a monotone, suddenly the courage to ask her started to fade away. Maybe staying home was better than asking and getting shut down.

"That's good. There's some snacks in the pantry if you-"

"Hey mom?"

She looked at me, a bit of concern flashing in her eyes, her aura changing as my voice did. "Yes?"

"I know you said no the last time I asked, but... it was a long time ago and, and I really just wanted to ask....." I trail off, looking at the ground.

"Ask me?"

"Okay, so there's this party going on tonight and a lot of people are going, and I really wanted to go-"

"Sorry, mi'ja, I don't think it's the smartest decision to go out tonight." She cut me off, shaking her head. She quickly recovered, smiling. Her aura still green, with a little bit of blue.

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