Chapter 4

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I groan.  Why did all of my notes need to be color coordinated? I didn't even pay attention, I just put the notes in random places.

"It's so strange Aph, you're really smart, you should be able to do this."  Katelyn's aura turned a bit of purple, seeing green with it, meaning she was okay.

I rest my head in my hands.  "It's fine,"  I close my notebook, shoving it in my bag.  "Thanks for the help though. I'm sorry you had to waste half your lunch period on me."

She laughed. "I don't think there's another way I'd rather spend it. But if you need help with your science, I think Garroth is super good at it."

I shot her a playful glare. "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?"

"Doing what on purpose?" The familiar blonde asks, taking a seat with Laurance.

"Oh, nothing. Katelyn is just trying to set me up for doom."

Katelyn half gasped, putting a hand over her chest, pretending to be offended. "I am not! Aphmau just sucks at science and she needs help."

"Oh I see." Garroth chuckled. "Yeah I'm not too great at science either."

"Stop lying to yourself, you know you're great at that stuff."

He sighed. "Fine. I'm decent at science. But I can help you if you need."

I watched as he smiled, there was still no color floating at the top of his head. When I met Laurance's glance, I saw that he was a bit tired but still happy, which was good.

Katelyn was lightly irritated, but I noticed that's he always is, especially when Travis isn't around. But I saw many happy auras, which is good.

I really wish I could know how he felt.

We continued on with lunch, talking casually. I finished the rest of my sandwich before taking my tray and staking it with the others.

The bell rang and I grabbed my bag, walking out with everyone else.

"What class do you have next?"

I look to my side, seeing the colorless boy, once more.

"I have history.  Don't we have the same history class?"  I ask pointing?

"Yeah.  We do, let's go."  He smiled, cocking his head to the side to signify that we're going to walk together.


And I notice that some people shot me glares on the stop toward the classroom. I assumed it was because Garroth was with me. But I don't understand why everyone was freaking out.

We were just walking.

I sit in my seat, which is closer toward the back, and he takes his, which is diagonally across of mine. I slouch my bag off of my arms, resting it on the chair, taking out my Irene knows what colors pencil case and pencil.

I watch Ivy walk in, who looks at me in a way that I don't want to deal with, sitting the closest possible seat next to the colorless boy, which isn't that close at all, if you really think about it.

And I notice all the auras when I look around the room. Most of my classmates felt tired, they seemed bored, and happy.

I usually ran into some people where their auras were very sad, and I barley see them turn green.

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