Chapter 3

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I pick up my pencil with my left hand, starting to write.  My homework was due and it was after lunch.

I was one of the only left handed people out of my group of friends. Sometimes it was convenient, sometimes it wasn't.

School whizzed by, I exited the building, Laurnace and Katelyn, and him.

The colorless boy.

"We're going to go to the mall.  Are you gonna come with?" Laurance leans against the wall, smiling brightly.

"Why not?"

Garroth's car was nice. Well, it also looked really expensive so I guess it made us look pretty cool.  Though something about it was comforting.

Many shades of gray and hues of color stroked my vision as I walked into the mall.  Happy, sad, excited, and tired people were at the mall today.

It's really weird to see the auras amalgamate, or change.  Especially people when they have mood swings.

I've seen Katelyn's aura go from dark pink, to white, to black in a matter of minutes.

Especially around Travis.

When we got to the mall, we started to walk around, Katelyn and I grabbed drinks for us and the boys' while they held seats for us.

Laurnace sat there, one elbow on the table, his phone in the other hand, scrolling though something.

Garroth came back, he had some good in his hands. He pulled the chair out and sat by Laurnace as we all started to enjoy the beverages.

I glance at Katelyn, who's aura is telling me that she's tired but somewhat happy, maybe because we're all hanging out.

Laurnace has a bright pink and green swarming around him, which isn't surprising.

And then, there's Garroth.

Who's just completely gray, like the rest of the dull world that I'm living in. I used to be confused, I never really saw color, I had to learn it on my own from the auras.

And it makes me want to be around him more.

If I can't read him, if I can't see any color surrounding him, than how will I be able to know how he feels?

We strolled through the mall, wandering into different stores, playful banter being thrown around everywhere.

"Hey love, what do you think about this?"

I look over, seeing Garroth with a hanger placed over his chest, the dress draping and not covering him fully.

I laugh.  "You'd totally rock it."

"Do you think this color matches me?"

Oh no.

I scan it over one more time, quickly glancing at the different shades gray and how his was a medium shade, meaning it was probably a lighter color.

But clothes have so many shades, it could be a light blue, a light purple-

"Maybe.  I think you should ask Laurnace, LAURANCE!"


"Does that color match Garroth?"

He snorts.  "No, Garroth, orange isn't your color."


"Well, it's only in this color and one other color."  He chuckled.

"What are you talking about? There's five other colors."

"Yeah."  Katelyn chimes in, "there's blue, orange, pink, white and black."

That's weird, why would he only say that there's one color of something?

Garroth and Laurnace talk, while I go back to the top that I was looking at before.  I take my size from the rack, folding it over my arm and walking tot he register.

After we left that store, Katelyn stopped an escalator, almost kicking us out of the mall.

"This is why we can never take you places."  Laurance face palms, opening the door to Garroth's car.

"Well, it was fun trying to avoid the security.  She's fun, I have to admit."

"See, Garroth gets it."  Katelyn argues back, swinging herself into the back seat with me.

"Loosen up a little, Laurance."  I smile and nudge him before buckling the seat belt.

The car starts with a small growl, Garroth reversing out of the stall.

"Hey Laurnace, can you press the blue button, the one hat turns the radio on?"

He laughed, "Garroth, that button is red."

"Are you joking? It's blue,"

"Garroth look, that's a red button.  It says 'radio' on it."

"That's a red button," Katelyn chimed in, obviously confused.

"Right Aphmau?"

I didn't answer.


All I see is gray? How can I really know what color the button is? I think I have to trust the people that actually see color.

I could tell they were waiting for an answer when their auras changed from green, to purple and yellow.

Nervous and confused.

I gulped.  "Yeah.  The button is red."

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