Chapter 7

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"Thanks for getting me out of there," I say, while holding a paper towel to my leg. "I guess parties really aren't my thing."

Garroth chuckled, as he opened the car door from his side. "Yeah. But at least you get to say you tried."

"You have a point there."

Now it's my turn to open the door, and I shut it, realizing that I'm practically in a strangers car late at night.


It's not like Garroth is a total stranger or anything, but it was true that we didn't know each other that well, or at least well enough for me to be in his car. It's not like my house wasn't five minutes away anyway.

"So, uh do you want me to drive you home or something? I mean- we can go back, or like- get food or something, it's really up to you."

"You don't have to give me a ride back, I can walk. My house is really close by and I also kinda snuck out so a car would be a little... noticeable." But the offer was nice though,

"It's late though. And I don't think it's the best idea for anyone to be out, and alone at this time of night." Garroth insists, but I'm not sure if I want to stay or leave.

"That's very sweet of you," Is all I can manage to say.  It didn't seem like he was going to budge with the ride, so I grabbed the seat belt and pulled it over my shoulder.  "I just hope my mom isn't home yet."

"It's around ten right now," He adds, checking the time on his phone, which lit the car up dimly.  "Are you sure you don't want to get food?"

Garroth has his head tilted and one eyebrow slightly up, and I sit there for a moment, debating whether it's worth it or not. There's a place not too far from here where we can get food, and judging on the past times my mom has gone out, she's been home at around midnight, which left me two hours.

"You know what, sure. I'd be glad to."


The ride to the fast food place was smooth, Garroth also has a good taste in music, which made the ride ten times better. I was wary of the time, and I didn't want to linger too much, before my mom comes home before I do.

"Hello welcome to Phoenix Eats, how may I help you?"

Garroth greets them back, before ordering what he wanted, then glancing at me, "Do you know what you want?"

"Yeah, I just want curly fries and a chocolate milkshake."

He nods and orders that, recovering the total and pulling up to the next window. I take five dollars out of my pocket, offering it to him, but he dismissed it, waving his hand away.

"It's not a big deal," He says quietly. "I was the one who offered in the first place."

I sigh, "Fine, but the next time we go and get anything, I'll treat."

He grins, acquiring the change from the cashier and thanking her quickly. He keeps his eyes ahead before saying, "So you're saying..."

"Let's grab coffee sometime," I squeaked, hoping that I wouldn't have to repeat what I just said. It felt like I just vomited the words and spoke too fast for my own good.

"Sure, but uh, when exactly?" Garroth stood to grab the bags from the employee, thanking them and passing them to me.

"Whenever you're free?"

"How does Monday morning sound? I can pick you up and we can go before school? If not-"

"Sounds like a plan." I reassure him quickly, digging into the bag for a curly fry to shit myself up from saying anything more embarrassing.

There was something about him that I couldn't quite understand. A big part of it was why he wanted to hang out with me of all people. It still bothered me a little bit that I couldn't read his emotions. I guess it's something that I take for granted now.

We talked about music on the way back to my house. There were some laughs and some awkward silences but Garroth slowly approached my house and I felt so relieved to see that my mothers car wasn't there yet.

"Oh thank Irene," I huff, before quickly unbuckling my seat belt. "Thank you for the ride, and I'll see you on Monday."

"Yeah. Of course, I'll see you on Monday, Aphmau."

He drove away after that and I opened the door to my house to find it vacant. I still tip toe up the stairs and to my room, as if my mom was asleep in her bedroom.

A/n: Okay!! Sorry it seemed as if I was dead for a while. I went on hiatus for a long while and I'm back with an update from this book!! I appreciate all the love and support it's been getting and much love to all of you!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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