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I got up and walked tot he bathroom. I could feel Harry staring at me as I walked. I turned back to see just that. A sly smirk fell across his face and I sent him a flirtatious wink before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

After I used the toilet, I stepped out and someone touched my shoulder. I turned around and the person spoke, "Hailey?" 

"D-damian?" I stuttered. It was my ex. He had jet black hair, pale white skin, a piercing above his right eyebrow, and snake bite lip piercings. He looked at me with icy blue eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. I had intended it to come out threatening, but it came out weak. 

"I was looking for you," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. He wore thin black eyeliner under his eyes and his nails were painted black. His eyes trailed my body, "Damn, you look good." he commented. 

"Looking for me? How the hell did you figure out I was here?" I questioned. Stay calm, Hailey. He has an affect on you. Don't let him know he makes you weak. Be cold and rude. Be a bitch. I mentally told myself. You are with Harry. You belong to Harry. Harry's affect on you is way more powerful. Just stay calm. Stay strong. 

"You tweeted about it." He answered. 


"So you stalked me? What the fuck, Damian?" He was unbelievable! I was starting to get angry. "Why were you looking for me?" 

"I want you back." he said simply. 

"What?! Oh, hell no! You cheated on me, Damian. Even worse, you were making out with her ON MY BED! Then you bragged about how much better she was and how much bigger her ass and boobs were. Not to mention the other things you did to me. You were a horrible boyfriend. You got mad at me because I wouldn't have sex with you, then apologize the next day, only to go back to treating me like complete shit the minute after that! You were my biggest regret. And I have a boyfriend. He is sweet and caring and he loves me. He is always making sure I am comfortable, he is always holding me and protecting me,  and when something is bothering me, he listens! Now compare him to you. Who's the better guy? He is! So, tell me. Why should I, why would I want to go back to you?" 

"Because. I realized what I did wrong," he started. My table was in sight and I saw Harry searching for me. Damian took my hands in his, "We were meant to be. I know I messed up, but I-" 

I pulled my hands out of his grip, "No, Damian. You did more than just 'mess up'. You cheated on me, you humiliated me, you disrespected me, you took advantage of me, but worst of all, you broke me. It was surprising that I was able to feel again. You fucked up and I don't want to have anything to do with you. And I am regreting this conversation." I looked over at Harry, who was making his way over to me. His eyebrows were furrowed, his jaw and fists clench, and from here, I could tell his emerald eyes were dark. He was angry. "Leave, Damian. If you know what's best for you, leave."

Damian stood close to me. Too close. He whispered in my ear, "I will get you back. Just wait. You will be mine again." He placed a light kiss on my cheek and walked away. 

Harry showed up behind me as I wiped my cheek of any trace of Damian. 

"Who the hell was that?" Harry asked sternly. Anger and jealousy clear in his voice. 

"My ex..." 

"Which one?" 

"I've only had two. Which one do you think?' I asked with an obvious tone in my voice. I looked up at Harry and his jaw was set tight and his fists clenched. 

I knew Damian. If he wanted something bad enough, he would go to great lengths to get it. 

This wasn't over. 

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