Chapter Thirteen

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The next day was a meet and greet at the local mall. I had wanted to stay back and just be by myself, but Louis said no, Harry said no, and I even tried my luck with Liam and he said no as well.

I stood behind the back drop that the boys sat in front of. I never had a problem with meet and greets. I love what the boys do for their fans. I love that they want to make them happy; even if they don't like me. I peered around the side of the back drop see a maltitude of fans. It was like another endless ocean of them. It seems to be everywhere that they go there is an endless ocean of fans. They were all screaming and shouting at the boys. I caught a glimpse of someone pointing at me and I imediately retreated behind the back drop once again. I should have known I would have been seen by someone of I did what I just did. Here comes the hate.

"Was that Hailey?" One of them shouted.

"Why is she here?! She follows the boys around like a lost puppy!"

"Louis, why the hell would you decide to be her guardian? All she does is take up the time you could be spending with us!" a blonde girl with a make up caked face said.

"I chose to be her guardian becasue she is family. We are very close and I would be damned if I ever let her end up in foster care. I love her way too much to just let that happen." Louis responded.

My heart smiled at how Louis defended me, but then something was said that I wish I had not heard. A fan shouted at Harry, "Why are you with her Harry? She's ugly and absolutely nothing special." I heard Harry defend me, but his words did not process over the other rude comments being shouted to me, though they couldn't see me, and to the boys about me. I stood there listening for some reason. Eventually, I couldn't take it any longer. I ran out of the building and into the cold, frigid air. The sky was grey and cloudy and there was a light breeze of cool air. I could practically smell the rain coming.

I sat down on the side of the building. I was happy to be finally be alone; to be by myself and away from all the chaos. It was nice not having someone watching me every minute. Just peace and quiet. That didn't last long though because Paul came running out of the building to find me. '

"Hailey! Are you alright?" he asked kneeling down in front of me.

"No." I answered honestly as a tear slipped from my eye. "They hate me, Paul. They fucking hate me." I confessed resting my head on my knees.

"No they don't. You just think that they do because youre with Harry. I bet if they knew the real you, Hailey O'Connel the champion eventer, that they would love you."

"Maybe, but I highly doubt it. This fandom is ruthless."

"Well, the meet and greet is over. Why don't you come back inside with me?"

"Can't I just stay here until we leave?" I asked. I looked passed Paul and saw a figure standing by a van with no windows. It could have been my imagination, but it looked like Damian from this distance. I then realized I was probably hallucinzting again, but still decided to play it safe. "Actually, yeah. Lets go back inside..." Paul helped me up and we walked back inside together.

When we got back inside, Louis ran to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He bent over a bit so he was at my level. "I thought I told you not to do that again." he said sternly.

"I'm sorry..." I replied looking down at that ground. Louis's hands squeezed my shoulders before he released them. Harry came up behind him. Louis moved out of the way to help clean stuff up. Harry wrapped me in his arms. I didn't hug back. I just stood there with my arms limp at my sides. Harry knew that the comments bothered me, but he didn't know how much they hurt me on the inside. the fans' words cut deep and left a painful, stinging feeling in my chest. No matter how many times Harry tells me that what they say isn't true, there is always a little voice in my head telling me that they are. And they are said often enough that I fell like they are legitamately coming true.

Now I have three things to hate myself for. Damian. The hate. And the fact that I forgot my father's birthday.

Harry kissed the top of my head, "We have the rest of the day to do what ever you want."

"I just want to go back to the room and lay down. I don't feel like doing anything." I said quietly.

"All right, babe. I have to use the toilet before we leave. Do not go anywhere." he warned, kissed my lips softly and left.

I looked around and noticed that I was alone, or at least, no one was paying any attention to me. I saw a stack of boxes with a tool on top. My curiousity got the best of me as I walked over to examine it. I wanted to find a way to relieve this pain I was feeling. I know it sounds obsured, but as I noticed that the tool on the stack of boxes was a knife, I got an idea. I thought with some alcohol, like vodka or bourbon, maybe, just maybe, it would make what I was going to do a bit easier. Not that I cared. The entire fandom thought I was worthless. So why not make myself feel like what I am? Worthless.

I grabbed the tool and broke the blade out of its plastic handle, which, surprisingly, was fairly easy. And the blade, surprisingly as well, was just the perfect size. I gently put the blade into my pocket as Harry came back.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.

I could try telling a lie, but who knows if he would catch me or not? I decided I should try, "Nothing. You told me not to go anywhere, so I didn't."

"Right... C'mon then. Let's go relax."

I followed him out. Normally, I wouldn't get away with a lie that was as flawed as that, but on rare ocassions, I did.

This was one of those times.


A/N: TWO CHAPTERS UPDATED EARLY!! I couldnt sleep. Some shit happened that maye have just broken my trust with anybody for ever.

Anywayyy!!! Hope you like the chapters!!

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Stay beautiful!


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