Chapter Seven

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A peaceful sleep was exactly what I needed. No nightmares, no panic attacks; just a peaceful slumber. I hadn't slept well in the past two weeks and being in Harry's arms made it even better.

I woke up, still in his arms. He had shifted slightly so that we could cuddle more comfortably, but I had been in too deep of a sleep to notice. I sat up and looked around, still waiting for my eyes to adjust. My eyes landed in Harry's face. He smiled and said, "Hello, beautiful."

"Hi," I croaked out and rubbed my sleepy eyes. "How long was I asleep?"

"About three hours. We stopped and got food. I know you said you didn't want to eat, but I had Liam get you some pancakes in case you were hungry when you woke up."

"Three hours?! How long was I out before we stopped?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes."

"And did you eat already?" He shook his head. "Why didn't yoh wake me up? Or at least move me so you could eat?"

"You looked so comfortable and peasceful. I didn't have the heart to wake you. And you needed the sleep. Badly."

"Thanks," was all I managed after that. I smiled shyly.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah. No dreams or anything. My mind was completely blank. Which, in this case, I guess was a good thing." I said playing with the threads from the rips in his jeans.

"Yes it is. I'm glad you slept. It was peaceful holding you without you squirming the entire time." He said laughing lightly. I didn't say anything. I just continued to play with the threads. When I got bored with them, I moved to mess with strands of my hair. "Are you sure you slept all right? You're fidgeting with your fingers quite a bit." He said concerned.

"Yeah... Its just that the dream from last night still has me a little... Shaken up. But I think I am getting over it. Slowly." I explained. I continued playing with my hair and muttered, "I need a hair cut."

"When we arrive we'll see if Lou can give you a trim during sound check tomorrow."

I nodded and dropped my hands into my lap. "Did you tell Louis about the nightmare?"

"Yes. I thought he needed to know."

"Whats he going to do? Do you know?"

"Well, he is going to keep you safe, for starters. And if you have any other nightmares, we'll just find something to calm you down; to ease your mind so that you can sleep peacefully. You seemed content with me holding you. Maybe we can start there. I would love to hold you every night." He smirked.

"I bet you would," I smirked back. Then something occured to me. "We fell asleep spooned together last night. Did you let go of me before you tried waking me up?"

"Yeah. I rolled onto my other side."

"Were we touching at all?"

"Hailey, I don't remember. I was asleep. Where are you going with this?"

"Maybe thats exactly it. I mean, I havnt been able to sleep well for the past two weeks, but the nightmares are starting to get worse. I dont think it matters whether you are holding me completely all night long or not. When we sleep on the bed, it dips in the middle and we always end up touching."

"And your point is?"

"My point is, maybe I just need that human contact I was sleeping peacefully when you were holdinf me. I felt... Safe. I felt safe and secure in your arms. Maybe all I need is the feeling of security from someone that cares about me. At least until all of thos blows over. I mean, I want to feel safe and secure all the time, but I think this situation requires it much more."

"Its worth a try." I saw a smirk growinf on his face and I could only imgine that he was thinking about holding me as we slept every night. "Shall I tell Louis, or would you like to?"

"Yeah. I'd like to. It'll show him that I'm trying to help myself through this too."

"Alright. Do you want to eat?"

"Not really... Like my stomach is hungry, but my mind says 'no you're not'." I told him. He looked at me with an expression that said 'I want you to eat, and you are going to do what I say'. "But my argument is invalid because you are going to make me eat whether you have to force the food down my throat or not."

"You know me so well," he smiled, his emerald eyes sparkling. He kissed me soft and slow. "C'mon, Sweetheart. Let's eat." He said, picked me up bride style, and carried me to the room on the other end of the bus where everyone else was.


A/n: so a decision has been made. I wonder it it will work? Haha

Vote and comment what you think my lovlies!!

Stay beautiful and stay out of trouble!

Lots of love


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