Chapter Seventeen

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We had been on the road for a total of three weeks now. We have traveled to four differents cities. I was currently sitting back stage, bored out of my mind, while the boys were performing. I dedided I'd take a quick walk. Damian had made no appearance physically, or mentally in my hallucinations. The hallucinations have slowly disappeared. I figured it was safe enough to take a quick stroll down the hall. What harm could it do? 

Paul was occupied with making sure that fans couldn't get on stage, so nobody would see me leave the dressing room. I walked out the door, being careful to shut the door quietly in the slight chances that I do get caught, and roamed the halls. I turned a corner and bumped into a tall figure. I stepped back and apologized, "I am so sorry! I was not looking where I was going."

"It is perfectly fine, my dear," a deep voice spoke. I looked up to see an older man with a bald head and dark brown eyes. He had a black lip piercing on the left side of his bottom lip, and a nose ring between his nostrils. I nodded my head and walked passed him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Where do you think you're going, Hailey?" he asked me. What? How the fuck does he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked but got no response. The hand that gripped my wrist, released and took a hold of my waist tightly. "Get the fuck off of me!" I shouted, but his free hand came up to cover my mouth. I tried to let out a scream, but it was muffled.

The man dragged me down the halls ans through a pair of doors that lead outside. The air outside was cold and frigid. Fall was slowly turning into winter. I struggled and and tried to wriggle my way out of the mans strong grip, but that only made him angrier. He smashed my head against the brick wall that was the building, making my vision go black around the edges. I felt weak and I felt the blood trickle from the wound that was just made. It was difficult to see, but I could make out shapes and I noticed a white van with no windows and I could only guess that I was going to be tossed in the back of it. And I was. The man opened the doors to the back of the van and threw me in, tieing my hands behind my back. "If you are going to kidnap me, I should at least know the name of my captor," I spat.

"Kristoff," the man growled and slapped a piece of duct tape over my mouth. He shut the doors and climbed into the drivers seat.

About twenty minutes later, he stopped and got out. He opened the doors and covered my head with a black cloth. I didn't try to struggle. I knew it would do no good. I was dragged down some stairs into what I assumed was a room. The pillow case was removed from head and the duct tape from my mouth. I turned my head to find icy blue eyes staring at me.


"Damian. I should have known this was all you. What the fuck is wrong with you? You will not get away with this!" I shouted weakly.

"I'd rethink that if I were you, Hailey." Damian said coldly. "Keep her locked in here. I will be back to check on her.." He left with an evil smirk on his face. The door locked behind him, leaving me alone in the small dark room.

"Something tells me he is going to do a lot more than just check up on me," I spoke out loud. I looked around the room. It was definitely small and it was dark. The only light was that of the moonlight shining through a tiny window. "At least I've got a bed." i said sitting down. It was fairly comfortable, but I noticed there were arm restraints on the head board. My pulse began to race and I felt a vibration in my pocket. They forgot to take my phone. I pulled it out and answered, "Hello?" I whispered so no one would hear me.

"Hailey?! What the hell!" Harry's voice rang with anger. "Where are you? What happened?"

"Damian happened. He sent someone to take me. I'm locked in a room, well actually it might be a small basement. I have no idea where I am, and there are restraints on the bed.... And I am terrified, Harry." My voice cracked and a tear slipped from my eye.

"He what?! Baby, its going to be all right. We are going to find you."

"Please... Please help me, Harry. I can't go through this again." I sobbed quietly.

"We will, baby. We are going to find you. Is there a window anywhere? Can you look out and describe to me whats around?"

"There's a window, but there isn't enough moonlight to see. Its too dark. I-" I heard footsteps making their way to the room. "Someones coming. I have to go. I'll do my best to hide my phone. I have a full battery, too. Just... try to hurry. Please." I begged and hung up the phone and hid it under the mattress.


 "No! Wait! Hailey!" the line went dead. "FUCK!

"What happened, Harry?" Louis asked me worried.

"Damian. That little prick kidnapped her. She said she's locked in a small room, but she can't figure out where. She said it was too dark for her to see outside."

Louis's face turned hard. "I'm calling the police. You call management and tell them to either cancel or postpone the upcoming shows. I am not going anywhere until I get her back."


"After she ran away, I had half a mind to put a tracking device on her phone. And after that little prick showed up, I did. I took her phone while she was asleep one night and programmed it. As long as her phone is on, I can get a location."

"She said she has a full battery, but she hung up because someone was coming. So I'd do it quick if I were you."

"All right. We are going to find her. I won't stop until we do."

Anger boiled inside of me. When we find Hailey, and I am sure she is okay, I am going to murder Damian.

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