Chapter Four

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Harry had come out and sat down next to me. He brought a pillow and a blanket. He draped the blanket over our legs and put his arm around my shoulders. 

"Why do you want to sleep out here?" he asked. 

"It's my last night with Star for a while," I whispered. 

"I understand that, but why do I have to sleep out here with you?" 

"Because..." I said. I tried to keep my voice as level as possible. Any sign of hesitation and he'll know I was lying. 

"Because why?" he asked and nuzzled his nose into my cheek. Ahh I love it when he does that! This little fucker. 

"Because I wanted you out here with me." I croaked. 

"Hailey. I know you're lying." 

I turned to him and looked into his green eyes. My eyes trailed over his facial features. His cheek bones, his lips, his jawline. He was beautiful. 

"I'm not." I said staring into his eyes. 

"Now you are lying about lying. Things aren't looking good for you right now, my love." He placed his lips on my neck. I could feel his hot breath as he spoke. "Are you sure you want to keep lying to me?" He was seducing me. He always did this when he knew I was hiding something because I always gave in and told him the truth. But not this time. 

"I'm not lying, Harry." I told him. 

"Are you sure about that?" His hand found my thigh and he began to caress it slowly, making his way toward my bum. A wave of heat ran through me. The images of Damian flashed through my head. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I knew that Harry was nothing like Damian and that he would stop when I told him to, but those images just kept replaying and I felt turned on and uncomfortable at the same time. I had to give in. I put my hand on his and removed it from my leg and placed in back on his lap. I shifted away from him, leaving him under the blanket by himself. There was a good twelve inches of space between us. I crossed my arms across my chest and just watched Star, who was sleeping peacefully in the corner. "Baby, whats wrong? You love it when we tease," he asked. I didn't speak, still debating whether I should tell him what happened. He moved closer to me so that we were touching again. "Hailey..." 

"It was Damian." I told him, not wanting to risk anything else happening. 

"What do you mean?" 

"He... he found me. The little asshole stalked me online and found out where I live. Then he somehow found his way passed the gates and found me in here. Thank God Zayn came out before anything could happen." I looked over at Harry and he was looking at me with his jaw clenched. 

"Why didn't Zayn tell me when he came in and got me?" he asked almost angry. 

"Because I begged him not to..." 

"Why? Hailey, this is about your safety. I can't let you get hurt." 

"I know," I mummbled, "Zayn didn't even want me sleeping out here period after that happened. But I begged him again and again and he finally said yes. And thats why you're here. Because if I were to be out here, he didn't want me alone." 

"I'm going to tell Louis. I have to. Its not only a concern for me, but for him and everyone else." 

"Please don't..." 

"Hailey, this boy is going to great lengths to get to you." 

"You don't think I know that?" 

"Then you realize why I have to tell Louis." 

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